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我班同学要我担任墙报工作。My classmates want me to work for the wall newspaper.

我的同学想让我做墙报工作。My classmates want me to work for the wall-newspaper.

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英语墙报将出新版,欢迎大家写文章或读书报告。Oral English will be a new, welcome you to write articles or book reports.

教室后面还有一个绿色的墙报,墙报上贴满了同学们们的画。There is also a green room behind the wall, the wall plastered with the students are painting.

“墙报”是一种在公共场合展示的报纸,一般印在墙上。A wall newspaper or wall-newspaper is a printed newspaper designed to be displayed and read in public places, such as walls.

昨天去原来的课室把墙报上学生的照片撕下来,保存在纸袋里,发现自己舍不得那班学生。Yesterday, I went to the classroom I taught before and rip the pupils pictures off and kept in a bag. I found I was still miss them.

同时,我也愿意邀请各位提交科研论文和学术海报,以便制作科学文摘和墙报。I would also like to invite you to submit your scientific papers and posters for the scientific abstract session and poster presentations.

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我们的文学专门家应该注意群众的墙报,注意军队和农村中的通讯文学。Our specialists in literature should pay attention to the wall newspapers of the masses and to the reportage written in the army and the villages.

我们鼓励所有的学员参与墙报活动,展示自己的研究工作,为与其他学员交流和将来进行合作研究创造机会。We will encourage all participants to present a poster on their own work to foster communication and possible future collaboration between their research groups.

费城纪念活动将包括儿童联欢会、医疗和健身交流会、墙报画展、游行、普世教合一仪式及文化活动。Kids’ carnivals, health and wellness fairs, mural painting, parades, ecumenical religious services and cultural events will be part of the observances in Philadelphia.

令人兴奋的不光是那些各式各样的实验室、研究工作和展品,还包括了博物馆里的奇特角落、走廊、墙报和一堆堆的杂物,正是这些不起眼之处赋予了博物馆幕后工作的特殊性。As exciting as the labs, research and exhibits at the museum are, it's the odd corners, hallways, wall posters and stacks of stuff that give the museum's backstage its character.

搜集信息并设计一份内容为“电脑在日常生活和科技中的应用”的墙报,完成3及家庭作业。Design a wall newspaper about the use of computers in daily life and technology. You can collect information by reading texts, newspapers, magazines or search on the Internet. Finish 3.

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在校内、班内张贴或悬挂英文标语、办英语墙报、用英语标出室内各种物品的名称,给学校各教室配挂中英文对照标牌。On the campus, in class or suspension English signs, Posting do English wall newspaper, mark in English indoor all sorts of items, the name of the school each classroom English bilingual signs capes.