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他在闲扯一些过去的事。He is rabbiting on about the past.

他们在闲扯往事。They are chatting away about old times.

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她闲扯些村里的事。She prattles on about the village gossip.

如今,他们没有时间和周围的人闲扯。They had no time now for neighborhood gossip.

谁来闲扯,往往意味着不同的内涵。Who cackle, often means different connotations.

演讲者绕着主题闲扯了好几个小时。The speaker rambled on about the topic for hours.

村民们正在闲扯些村里的事。The villagers are prattling on about the village gossip.

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但我讨厌狗,不多闲扯了,这是个顽童戏猫的场景I hate dogs, but anyway, this is children playing with a cat.

睡吧不要闲扯,太阳让我窒息,那些日子渐渐模糊成一天。Sleep don't visit, so I choke on sun, and the days blur into one.

其他人闲扯时,那姑娘喜欢坐到沙发上轻松一下。The girl likes to relax in the sofa when the others are gossiping.

遣词造句要完整。写文章隐讳闲扯。Use complete words and sentences. An essay or story is not a chatroom.

最后,我还想跟您闲扯一下,我在查询相关资料时所碰到的细枝末节。Finally, I’d like to tell you about a bit of trivia I bumped into on this.

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麦格今天下午相当不安,她对他们不经大脑的闲扯没有心情。Meg was quite upset this afternoon. She was in no mood for their brainless gossip.

在不恰当的时候打电话闲扯瞎聊会浪费你很多宝贵的时间。You can waste a lot of valuable time just "shooting the breeze" at inopportune times.

他们都吃吃喝喝,做他们的业内事务,吸烟睡觉,无聊闲扯。They all eat and drink, do their office work, smoke and sleep, and chatter nonsensically.

你没时间在梦上闲扯,并且想像的事物永远不会成现实的。You can't afford to idle away your time on dreams and fantasies that can never be realized.

关于官本位制度和地本位经济,以后有时间再闲扯。Based on the official system and the ground-based economy, in future we have time to cackle.

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闲扯呗,说老公,说物价,说同事,说上司,说天气,说猫说狗说电视。Just chitch, about hubby, market price, colleagues, bosses, men, weather, cats, dogs and TV.

就随他们在那儿抽烟、闲扯和天吹海聊吧,目前我们暂没什么事情麻烦他们了。We will leave them to smoke and chatter and brag, since we have no further use for them at present.

或者你可以加入纽约的耶鲁俱乐部之类的,在那儿也可以和别人闲扯八卦Or you join the Yale Club in New York, something like that, and you sit around and talk with people.