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我们正坐加拿大高头大马。We were sitting in the tall horse ride.

正坐就是跪着,后面有支撑。Seiza is a kneeling position where the backside is supported.

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王正坐席的时候,我的哪达香膏散发芬芳的香味。While the king is seated at his table, my spices send out their perfume.

如果缅甸式或正坐的坐姿都不舒服,或许你需要一把椅子。If you have pain sitting in Burmese or in seiza, you may want to use a chair.

王正坐席的时候,我的哪哒香膏发出香味。While the king sitteth at his table, my spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof.

就企业而言,令人担忧的是中国企业正坐拥大量闲置贷款。On the corporate side, the concern is Chinese companies are sitting on huge volumes of unused loans.

定位百会穴时采用正坐的姿势,穴位于人体的头部,头顶正中心。When will point positioning 100 posture is adopted in the human body acupuncture, head, head is center.

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但这个说法同样不能被证实,因为现在该地点上面正坐落着被伊斯兰教认为十分神圣的登霄圣殿。But that theory can't be tested either, because the site is home to the Dome of the Rock shrine, sacred in Islam.

病患当时正坐著看电视,感觉两眼发黑以及胸闷。The patient recalled black out of bilateral vision and chest tightness when he was sitting and watching TV at this period.

该男子当时正坐进一部四轮驱动车的后座上,结果宠物狗跳了进来,踩在他身边的枪上。The dog's owner was getting into the rear seat of a four-wheel drive vehicle with the rifle next to him when the animal jumped in.

一名沉思中的清理者,正坐直升机飞往切尔诺贝利核电站的一个冷却池执行任务。Alone with his thoughts, a liquidator sits aboard a helicopter heading out on a mission to a cooling reservoir at the Chernobyl site.

作为世界上最重要电子商务市场—甚至将很快在规模上超越美国市场—中具有统治力的公司,它正坐拥一个数据的无价宝藏。As the dominant firm in the worlds most important e-commerce market—one that will soon surpass even Americas in size—the company is sitting on a treasure trove of data.

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然而后者正坐累于刚于本周举行的中期选举,前者又惧怕2008年那场过激的牛肉示威活动会重演,双方周旋的余地都有限。However with the latter reeling from this week’s mid-term elections, and the former terrified of a repeat of 2008’s overzealous beef protests, neither has much room to bend.