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这将是个弥天大谎。It's going to be a whopper.

现在,非常坦率地说,那就是一个弥天大谎。Now that, quite frankly, is a flat-out lie.

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一名特工将这一阴谋称之为“弥天大谎”。One operative referred to the scheme as “the big lie.

在准备向小姑子扯这个弥天大谎的时候我紧张得心直跳。My heart bangs in my chest as I prepare to tell my sister-in-law a whopper.

他们的手和眼睛都小小的,却还四处传播弥天大谎。They got little hands, little eyes. They walk around tellin` great big lies.

在1989年版本里,“海的女儿”被称为一个弥天大谎。The 1989 version of the Little Mermaid might be better known as “The big whopper!”

如果可能的话,圣经的这种说法应该立即被当成弥天大谎而被揭露,但是,我们没有看到丝毫破绽。Such claims would be exposed as immediate falsehood if they could. But we know of no exposure.

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电影里的其他人——她的父母、朋友和老板——都是这个弥天大谎的共谋。And everyone in the movie—her parents, her friends, her boss—are all complicit in this huge lie.

但是,把海鲜视为健康食物这一广为公众认同的看法,不过是对鱼的实相撒下的弥天大谎!But the widely held public perception of seafood as health food is simply one whopper of a fish story!

今天,我并非在嘲笑那个“弥天大谎”,也没有赞赏那些歪曲事实的“匹诺曹们”。It is not my purpose today to mock the biggest "whoppers" or award "Pinocchios" for the biggest distortions.

而他们觉得自己能够扯下这弥天大谎而依然逍遥法外的唯一原因,就是他们拥有一把掩盖秘密的保护伞。The only reason they thought they could get away with it was because they had a guaranteed cloak of secrecy.

小灵子你好样的,居然敢对我撒这样的弥天大谎?Is small to work properly son you nice variety, incredibly challenge to my Sa monstrous prevaricate favor this?

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普京提出的格鲁吉亚“种族屠杀”和美国共谋的说法,令人不安地想起苏维埃时代的“弥天大谎”。Mr Putin's talk about Georgian "genocide" and US conspiracies is unsettlingly reminiscent of the "big lie" of Soviet times.

我们怎样能辨别出别人对我们说的谎言呢,不管是无伤大雅的善意谎言还是真正的弥天大谎?How can we spot the lies we’re told, both the little white ones that don’t matter a whole lot and the real whoppers that do?

近半个世纪,这可能是苏联宣传机构所有的弥天大谎中,最罪恶昭彰的谎言了,长期以来,其宣传机构都声称该指责纳粹德国。It represents what was perhaps the most flagrant lie proffered for half a century by Soviet propaganda, which long claimed Nazi Germany was to blame.

在致IBM首席技术专家伯纳德.迈耶森的公开信中,他指责穆德哈“一派胡言”,把他的研究报告说成是“开玩笑”和“弥天大谎”。In an open letter to IBM Chief Technical Officer Bernard Meyerson, Markram accused Modha of “mass deception” and called his paper a “hoax” and a “scam.”

萨格因说大多数人可能会相信本拉登已死,因为他们觉得今时今日政府不惜一切来维持这个弥天大谎未免太不切实际了。Sagarin said most people will probably be convinced bin Laden is dead because they cannot imagine the government maintaining such an extraordinary lie to the contrary in this day and age.