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有乳胶过敏的人吗?Any allergy to latex?

我对花粉过敏。I'm allergic to farina.

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对各种东西都过敏。哈啾!All sorts of stuff. Achoo !

不,我对润肤乳过敏。No, I'm allergic to lotion.

我对盘尼西林过敏。I am allergic to penicillin.

由于花粉的过敏,我的眼睛刺痒难受。I have hay fever. My e itch.

有的,我对阿司匹林过敏.Yes, I am allergic to aspirin.

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由于花粉过敏,我的眼睛刺痒难受。I have hay fever. My eyes itch.

吃荔枝过敏了,怎么办?。Take litchi allergy, how to do?

本品不含过敏成分。This product is non-allergenic.

尘螨会导致过敏。Dust mites can trigger allergies.

有过敏可以去边间餐厅?。Which restaurant can you go in HK?

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她对那猫的毛会过敏。She is allergic to the fur of cats.

第二,如果你对华松饼过敏,就不要吃华松饼。Then don't take me to a waffle house.

抗过敏或特别清洁要求。Hypo-allergenic or super-clean claims.

蛋白过敏的宝宝,麻疹。The darling of albumen allergy, hives.

它是洋甘菊,可以防止过敏。Its chamomile , it can prevent allergy.

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我的皮肤很容易用腮红过敏。My skin gets really irritated by blush.

您有没有对什么东西过敏的情况?Have you ever been allergic to anything?

为什么转基因食物可能会引起过敏?Why are GM foods potentially allergenic?