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你能介绍一下博罗市集吗?Could you introduce Borough Market?

这个市集卖的是二手书。These are secondhand books for sale.

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你能给我们介绍一下博罗市集吗?Could you tell us about Borough Market?

你觉得博罗市集如何?What do you think about Borough Market?

你之前去过博罗市集吗?Have you ever been to Borough Market before?

明天是邻村市集的日子。To-morrow is market day in the next village.

今天我们想去波多贝露市集。And we wanted to come to Portobello market today.

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有一次,他给我看了一个康沃尔市集上的节目介绍。Once, he showed me a program for the Cornish Fair.

有市集的那天,我拿我的生菜去那里卖。On market day, I go to the market with my lettuces.

当然,卡姆登市集是最好的去处之一,然后,Of course Camden Market is one of the best places, and then

可当他赶往市集时,却忘了带量好的尺码。When he set out for the market he forgot to bring it along.

你能告诉我们你自己去博罗市集的经历吗?Could you tell us your own experiences about Borough Market?

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除了博罗市集,我们还应该游览一下什么地方呢?Where should we visit around here other than Borough Market?

哥顿台邻近赤柱市集和海滩。Gordon Terrace is convenient to Stanley Market and Stanley beach.

一篮一篮的干红花从她们田里送到我们的市集上。Baskets of dried kusm flowers come from their fields to our market.

瓦维尔山和克拉科夫的主要市集广场在15分钟的步行距离外。Wawel Hill and Krakow's Main Market Square are 15 minutes' walk away.

雷米许宣布,绿色市集将成为定期的活动。Ramesh declared that this green marketplace will now be a regular event.

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但是每个星期的不同日子,这里都有不同类型的市集。But different days of the weeks, there's a different kind of market here.

这是个非常不错的市集。许多衣服、珠宝之类的东西。It's a very good market to go to. Loads of clothes, jewelry and all that.

纳斯雷金把两大篮的葡萄,放在毛驴背上送到市集上土卖。Nasreddin put two big baskets of grapes on his donkey and went to market.