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轮廓整洁,象狐狸。Clean cut and fox-like.

他们相信这些面部轮廓的草图吗?Do they buy these sketches?

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正方形以红色标注轮廓。The square is outlined in red.

画出…的轮廓,画…的略图。Outline a map of North America.

他在纸上描出自己手的轮廓。He outlined his hand on the paper.

雾中显现出影影绰绰的轮廓。Ghostly shapes loomed out of the fog.

这确保你的橡皮擦有个轮廓鲜明的边线。Thisensures your eraser has a hard edge.

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曝光时间长会使轮廓不清。Time exposures produce a fuzzy boundary.

返回一个XLD轮廓的坐标系。记住,是一个!Return the coordinates of an XLD contour.

浓雾使飞机轮廓模糊不清。The fog blurred the outline of the plane.

画完轮廓后,你就可以画阴影了。After drawing the shape, you can shade in.

她用铅笔画出房子的轮廓图。She pencilled the rough outline of a house.

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用一根棉签把轮廓抹花。Smudge the outline using a cotton-wool bud.

因或似因雾遮盖或使之轮廓不清。To cover or obscure with or as if with fog.

孩子正在用颜色填一张勾好轮廓的画。The child was coloring in an outline drawing.

蓝色的天空映衬出他们黑色的轮廓。They were in silhouette against the blue sky.

宣纸泼墨,画笔勾勒出轮廓。Rice paper Chinese ink, brush outline outline.

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她在纸上描出自己手的轮廓。She drew the outline of her hand on the paper.

因或似因雾遮盖或使之轮廓不清。Befog To cover or obscure with or as if with fog.

倾斜的屋顶形成了锯齿状的建筑轮廓。The angled roofs result in a saw-toothed profile.