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你得补上你贻误的事情。You must make up the work you missed.

他贻误了我们获得的一个微小的机会。He fumbled the one slender chance we had.

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被贻误的运动员代表团停留在操场上。The delayed player deleg stay on the playground.

贻误了一步,它的,你怎么说英语,泔水。Bungle a step and it's, how do you say in English, swill.

这个问题必须马上解决,否则会贻误工期。This problem shall be solved at once, or the project process would be delated.

除了上述人士,其他人在准时归队报到上并无任何理由贻误。As for everyone else, Morey said there are no issues with anyone reporting on time.

相反,对农民问题视而不见或漠然处之,那就是贻误了中国最大的问题。On the contrary, despite the problem of farmer affects the problem of China adversely.

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要是处在格列高的地位,他可能会张皇失措,沉吟着无所作为而贻误挽救。In Gregor's shoes he might have panicked, doubted what was happening, and fatally failed to act.

无论是在这里还是在海外,每当一个人的潜力被贻误或被浪费时,都是一场悲剧。Every time a person’s potential is deferred or squandered, whether here or abroad, it is a tragedy.

贻误手术时机,严重并发症及并存病、高龄是死亡的主要原因。Delay of operation opportunity, severe complication and comorbidities, and advanced age are the main causes of death.

该重大事故是由于司机操纵不当,贻误制动时机造成。The driver should he responsible for this major accident, because he operated improperly and missed the braking time.

常规对此类儿童进行声导抗检查,可避免因漏诊而贻误治疗,具有重要的临床意义。It is of very importance to take the examination of acoustic impedance tests routinely in children with adenoid hypertrophy.

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控制拖沓。拖沓是指把事情延迟到最后一刻,或贻误了截止日期因为你把事情托地太久了。Control procrastination. Procrastination is putting things off until the last minute or missing deadlines because you have put things off too long.

在街上,每天清晨都可以看到十一二岁的男孩挨家挨户送报纸,不论风雷雨雪从不贻误。On the streets, each morning can see teenage boys went door-to-door delivery of newspapers, regardless of wind and thunder, rain, snow never bungled.

曹操看行军的速度越来越慢,担心贻误战机,心里很是着急。Seeing that the marching speed was slower and slower, Cao Cao was very worried because he feared that he might bungle the chance of winning the battle.

凡是在外伤后发生面神经麻痹者应高度警惕有否颜面型破伤风的可能,以免贻误病情。Facial nerve always happens after outer injury paralytic person should high vigilance has the possibility that denies face tetanus, lest bungle illness.

如果不早发现、早解决,就会对教师的教学和学生的学习产生消极影响,贻误初中生的发展。Neglected and unsolved in time, it would have a bad effect on teaching and learning or even cause trouble on the full development of middle-school students.

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中国对俄出口贸易未能充分利用两国经济的现实互补性,也贻误了企业有效开发俄市场的良好时机。Thus the two countries' economical complementarity is not fully used and many Chinese enterprises have missed the best chance to exploit the Russian market.

本·阿里的警察国家政策把持着这个由突尼斯国父哈比卜·布尔吉巴建立的专制但运转良好的共和国,让这个国家贻误了23年。Ben Ali's police state took the undemocratic, but well-run, republic created by Tunisia's founding father, Habib Bourguiba, and worked to pervert it for 23 years.

从最近美国试图限制政府预算的惨败和欧元区对希腊危机的争论不休来看,西方国家和日本一样在贻误时机。As the recent debt-ceiling fiasco in the U.S. and the continued haggling in the euro zone over the Greek crisis show, the West is, like Japan, kicking the can down the road.