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涤尽渣滓罪﹐斩绝恶萌芽。Wash off the dregs of crime.

我们是社会的渣滓。We're the pariahs of society.

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他们都是炉中的铜,锡,铁,铅,都是银渣滓。They are but the dross of silver.

它们被以为是彻头彻尾的渣滓。They were thought as complete junks.

这台老电脑纯正就是一堆渣滓。This old computer is just plain junk.

把咖啡搅一搅好让渣滓沉淀。Stir the coffee to settle the grounds.

别和那些社会渣滓混在一起。Don't hang around with that kind of scum.

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祂注意我们所不留意的渣滓And He watched the dross that we had not seen

这些所谓的球迷是社会渣滓。These so-called football supporters are scum.

渣滓沉淀下来,液体变清了。The dregs settled and the liquid became clear.

你的银子,变为渣滓,你的酒,用水搀对。Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water

它有两处监狱,一处叫渣滓洞,另外一处叫白公馆。It had two prisons, one called Refuse Pit, another Bai Mansion.

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然后在底层的渣滓,是完全的增值税流失。The pomace then at the bottom of the vat is completely drained.

人若没有目标,就像船缺了舵——成了流浪汉、废物、人间渣滓。The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder-a waif

当然了,现在仍残留着“疯狂男人”时代男性至上主义的渣滓。There are also, of course, still remnants of “Mad Men”-era sexism.

为了名利,有人如蚂蚁一般四处攀爬,窃取别人业绩的渣滓。These ants of honour go crawling about filching scraps of exploits.

加内存啊!内存够大的话杀毒删除渣滓文件!Add Memory ah! Memory is big enough waste paper to delete anti-virus!

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你的银子,变为渣滓,你的酒,用水搀对。Your silver has become dross, your choice wine is diluted with water.

公园里随地都是旧罐头盒和其它各种渣滓。The park is covered with old ca fantastics around with forms of garbage.

必需对那些专在竞赛时打架的社会渣滓严加惩办!These scum who fight at the football matches must be severely dealt with!