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你是个差强人意的吉他手吗?Are you a passable guitar player?

事实上,GPEI没有做也并非差强人意。In truth, the GPEI has not done badly.

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他们的表演尚差强人意。Their performance is barely satisfactory.

许多小泽的构想因为他差强人意的形象而失去了光彩。Many of Ozawa's ideas have been overshadowed by his poor image.

总体来说,埃及的竞争力差强人意,但也不算太糟。Over all, Egypt’s competitiveness is mediocre but not terrible.

而另一些学生逃课则是因为教学实在是过于差强人意。Others play truant because the teaching is truly dissatisfactory.

他对路德•古利特如此糟糕的评价是由于球队表现确实差强人意。His damning assessment of Ruud Gullit followed a poor run of form.

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同时,性上瘾患者甄别合适男友的能力也差强人意。Sex addicts also have poor discernment skills for choosing boyfriends.

这种组织效率在15年前也许还差强人意。The efficiency of this organization was sufficient probably 15 years ago.

向西去你就会遇到山地,有几处差强人意的滑雪场可选。Travelling west you will reach mountains, including a few modest skiing options.

最出色的搜索引擎在用来寻人时为什么会表现得如此差强人意呢?How come the best search engines fail so miserably when it comes to people search?

电影豆子先生是一部大卖片,不过影评差强人意。The film Mr. Bean was a box-office success, but it was not much praised by the critics.

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微软的有些产品发布差强人意,背后也许就是这些文化问题在作祟。These culture problems are presumably behind some of the company's sub-par product releases.

我面有惭色地耸耸肩,彷佛解释的很差强人意地答说,是泡沫化。It was a bubble, I would respond with a sheepish shrug, as if that were an adequate explanation.

投资中国虽然差强人意,但暂时还没有别的最安全的选择。Although investment China is goodish , but still do not have temporarily other the safest choice.

但因为其它政党民意测验率差强人意,这位钢铁女战士依然具有很强的影响力。But with poll ratings static for other parties, the "Iron Frau" is still a force to be reckoned with.

这个数字看似令人艳羡,但是仔细分析,却发现实则差强人意。This number looks be like Ling Renyan to admire, but anatomize, discover actually is goodish however.

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最初的登录表单还算差强人意,但是随后便被新功能完全取代。The login form was adequate to start with, but it has been completely superseded by new functionality.

SEO前景是美好的,过程是单调的,收入是差强人意的,精力消耗是巨大的。SEO foreground is good, the process is drab, income is goodish , it is tremendous that energy is used up.

一些国有餐厅上菜速度极慢、服务态度恶劣、饭菜差强人意、厕所脏乱不堪。Some state-owned restaurants offer slow and rude service, less than appetizing food and appalling toilets.