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画一个有三十个补丁的棉被。Draw a quilt with 30 patches.

是那有衬里的舒适棉被吗?The cozy bedsheet with lining?

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不要使用羊毛制的毯子或棉被。Don't use woollen blankets or quilts.

难道你不知道,爱情,是可以当棉被用的么?Don't you know, love, can be when quilt?

第一次卖血,竟然是为了买一床棉被!The first selling blood, even to buy a quilt!

树儿披上了厚厚的棉被。The trees were all covered with white quilts.

玛丽存了几块布留作棉被用。Mary saved up pieces of cloth to make a quilt.

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雪花是冬小麦的厚厚棉被。The snowflakes are the thick quilts for the wheat.

棉被棉被盖住我。噢,糟了!我看不见。Quilt, quilt, cover me. Oh, no! Oh, no! I can't see.

这是假设你是下睡觉,因为与棉被。This assumes you are sleeping under it, as with a quilt.

又象黄色的棉被,铺盖在田地里,或者水面上。Also like the yellow quilt, blanket in the fields, or water.

以往任何时候都带动棉被在你的头上在家里一寒夜呢?Ever pulled the quilt over your head at home on a cold night?

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而且夜晚愈发的凉了,给婆婆找出了薄棉被。And in the night to become cool, to lady finds out the thin quilt.

据说曾有整条棉被都被装饰成这样蓝色和绿色的风景画。Entire quilts were reportedly transformed into blue-green seascapes.

许多当地的人都来帮助他,给他送食物,衣服和棉被等.Many local people often help, bringing him food, clothes and quilts.

新婚之夜,林女士穿着全身的衣服并包裹着一床棉被。On the wedding night, Lin slept fully dressed and wrapped with a quilt.

您甚至可以创建自己的虚拟棉被,您可以打印和共享!You can even create your own virtual quilts that you can print and share!

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谢谢你们温暖的关怀!暖到我睡觉已经不用盖棉被了!Thanks for your concern. I feel so warm that a bedquilt is no need anymore!

即使是真空包装的棉被也占据了很大的空间。Comforters, even vacuum-packed ones, take up a lot of room in your carry-on.

采购产品制成棉被掩护,浴袍,装饰垫子,地毯。Quilt Covers, Beachtowels, Bathrobes , Decoration Cushions, Carpets. Towels.