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您使用什么摄影器材?What gear do you use?

拒绝为“健康土豆”运动器材。No ‘health-potato’ equipment.

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那些器材都在另外一栋楼They're all in the other building.

在办公区域放置健身器材Keep fitness equipment in your work area

图5中的器材没有一个起继电器的作用。None of the devices in Fig. 5 acts as relay.

这些器材用后必须办妥手续归还。You must check in the equipment after using.

中山市圣杰器材批发部。San Jie, Zhongshan City, Equipment Co. , Ltd.

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无锡东方半导体器材厂。Wuxi Drient Semi-Conductor Materials Factory.

学校的体育器材配备精良。The school is well equipped with sports goods.

体育馆里有各种体育器材。There are different sports apparatus in the gym.

把器材从俱乐部拿到场地上去Equipment is taken from the aeroclub to the field.

喜好的器材常常会失掉,不喜好的反留在身旁。Like things tend to lose, don't love back to stay.

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下到舱内探测火情。将所有消防器材放回原位。The fire has been put out and fire site cleaned up.

所以,我准备好了,我想。我可以开始使用这些器材。So I'm ready, I think. I can start using the machines.

其中被告方奉化市山河水暖器材厂就是其中之一。The defendant Fenghua Shanhe is one of the infringers.

而且小蹦床比多数运动器材都要便宜。And they are cheap compared to most exercise equipment.

君不见潮流都侧重玩镜头、器材。Trend is biased towards tossing with lens and equipment.

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车船用配线器材“,”Electrical Device & Apparatus for Vehicle and Marine Use.

使用锻炼心肺功能的运动器材,如跑步机或自行车。Use any cardio equipment, such as a treadmill or a cycle.

这类器材甚至可能贬低摩尔定律的地位。Such devices may relegate Moore's Law to secondary status.