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因此大卫-戴恩将取而代之。So it'll be David Dein instead.

取而代之,他们转向模型。Instead, they turn to the model.

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硬质纤维板出篮,取而代之的是中密度纤维板。Hardboard is being replaced by MDF.

黑板不见了,取而代之的是葱郁的黑森林。Blackboards surrender to the Black Forest.

霍丽脸上的暴怒消失了,取而代之的是恐惧。The fury on Holly's face turned to horror.

取而代之的是,他愿意领养这个男孩!Instead of this, he wanted to adopt the boy!

取而代之,使用记心口诀记住他们。Instead, use memory tricks to remember them.

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取而代之的是他们反而绕着地球运转。Instead they move in circle around the earth.

取而代之的是,股东投票选举出董事会。Instead, they vote to elect a board ofdirectors.

取而代之,他们看盗版光碟或者在网上冲浪。Instead, they watch pirated DVDs or surf the Web.

取而代之的是观点认为,这个明亮的恒星的质量还要小的多。Instead, it is a bright star with a lot less mass.

那位党的领导人已被其对手取而代之。The party leader has been supplanted by his rival.

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你现在打算怎么办,格里尔?杀了我,取而代之?What's your plan now, Greer? Kill me? Take my job?

取而代之的,是一块砖头砸到了他的“美洲豹”侧门。Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag 's side door!

石锤收回,取而代之的是安迪隐现的目光。The pick withdraws, replaced by Andy's peering eye.

取而代之的是一组通用的名-值对。Instead, there is a generic set of name-value pairs.

几时开始,我们不在你侬我侬,嘻嘻哈哈,取而代之的是面无表情。Since when?We weren't lovers, It was replaced by cool.

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取而代之的是我的厨师--这还是能减税的项目.I hired my chef instead, which becomes a tax write-off.

取而代之以有趣的游戏、奖励及充分的表扬。Use fun games or rewards instead, and plenty of praise.

笑容消失了,取而代之的是哀伤的蹙眉。The smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown.