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而在7月份上旬,甚至出现零交易量的情况。And in early July, appear even zero volume.

六月上旬,我们将会完成在大甲的行程。At the beginning of June we will finish our Daichi journey.

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民俗节在每年六月下旬和七月上旬举办。The festival is held each year in late June and early July.

浆果在北京地区10月上旬成熟。Berries mature during the first 10 days of October in Beijng.

本月上旬,中国再次收购220万蒲式耳的美国玉米。China bought another 2.2 million bushels of U.S. corn early this month.

预计这个话题将在下月上旬20国集团的一次会议上得到讨论。The topic is expected to be discussed at a Group 20 meeting early next month.

七月上旬,幼花药,由原始表层和中央细胞团组成。Young anthers are composed of a protoderm and a central cell mass in early July.

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英国石油公司表示,救灾第一井将在8月上旬完工。BP says the first of the relief wells will be finished in the first half of August.

上图摄于本月上旬,利比亚拉斯拉努夫日落不久后。The above image was taken just after sunset earlier this month from Ras Lanuf, Libya.

由花器附属组织包围子房形成的子房下位花,于十一月上旬左右绽放。The epigynous flower was composed of ovarian tissue, hypanthium and appendicular tissues.

八月底,里奥哈的采收季炽热展开,一直到十月上旬左右结束。A hot summer, Rioja started it's harvest at the end of August, until the middle of October.

这个月上旬,最近一次的北京房展会在中国国际贸易展览中心举行。The latest Beijing housing fair was held at the China World Trade Center earlier this month.

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学校假期主要集中在白天长天气温暖的十二月中旬至二月上旬。The main school holidays are from mid-December till early February when the days are long and warm.

各方商定11月上旬在北京举行第五轮北京六方会谈。The parties concerned agreed to hold the Fifth Round of Six-Party Talks in Beijing in early November.

它们如今本应该迁回,在五月上旬就应该开始授课。They were supposed to have relocated by now, with lectures due to have begun in the south in early May.

投资者正在押注的是,8月上旬担心的那种深度衰退不会变成现实,或者至少不会很快出现。Investors are betting that the deep recession feared early in August will not occur, or at least not soon.

在十月上旬我们有一周的国家假期,在中国这叫做“中秋节”或者“黄金周”。In early October we have a one-week national holiday in China called "Mid-Autumn Festival" or "Golden Week.

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月上旬。该品种丰产性好,果肉脆嫩化渣,汁多味浓、品质优。The variety is productive and its fruit has excellent quality with crisp, melting, juicy flesh of rich taste.

该剧于2009年夏季在纽约市试演,九月上旬开始在上海排练。The cast auditioned in the Summer of 2009 in New York City and began rehearsal in Shanghai in early September.

摩根士丹利在近几个月重启了出售中金公司股权的进程,并在11月上旬询问首轮意向报价。Morgan Stanley revived the sale process in recent months and asked for first-round indicative bids in early November.