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现在,他们屏除了过去有关佛陀的一些想法。Now they have removed one idea of Buddha.

我们应该屏除一切报复的念头。We should dismiss all thought of revenge.

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不幸的我们的评鑑人员还是将他们屏除在外。Unfortunately, the jury is still out on them.

我真的应该采取措施来屏除我的惰性了。I really have to do something about my laziness.

契合空性,屏除自我执着,才有自在逍遥的人生。Put away self-centre, then you'll have happy life.

在我的心目里,它可以帮我屏除烦恼,寻到快乐。In my mind, it helps me avoid misery and find out the happiness.

一些怀疑者将屏除“疑病”作为最近的让人感觉良好的时尚。Some skeptics dismiss "happichondria" as the latest feel-good fad.

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一些怀疑者将屏除“疑病”作为最近的让人感觉良好的时尚。Some skeptics dismiss “happichondria” as the latest feel-good fad.

奢侈并不意味着贵重与装饰华丽,奢侈就是屏除粗俗。And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity.

这个前置的液晶屏除了让被拍摄者看到自己的样子,还有许多其他功能。This front LCD performs various functions in addition to showing people what they look like.

我爱奢侈。奢侈并不意味着贵重与装饰华丽,奢侈就是屏除粗俗。I love luxury. And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity.

当你重新回到工作岗位的时候,不要忘了你想要完成的任务,屏除心中的杂念。When you get back to work, remind yourself what you want to be working on, and clear away all distractions.

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目的研究一种用酶杀菌滤材生产的空气洁净屏除菌效果。Objective To study the bacteria-eliminating efficacy of an air purifying screen made of enzyme germicidal filter medium.

屏除成见,加入更多宽容与积极,性学的境界方能提升。By getting rid of our prejudice and adding more tolerance and positive attitude can the boundary of sexology be elevated.

天使说﹕你若想知道,必须要先屏除我执我见,以及对宗教的执著。However if one wants to know, one has to first rid oneself of self-opinion, self-perception and one's rigid obstinacy for religions.

然而,澳洲政府有权利屏除此政策用于某些高风险的大学课程申请者。The government should also reserve the right to exclude certain high risk groups from the streamlined approach for university applicants.

我要永远从我的思想中屏除虚伪,因为我知道你就是那在我心中燃起理智之火的真理。I shall ever try to keep all untruths out from my thoughts, knowing that thou art that truth which has kindled the light of reason in my mind.

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当他人发现你有,或曾有过,健康问题,他们会倾向改变态度–待你有如生病的孩子或将你屏除生活圈。People have a tendency to adjust their behavior when they find out you have, or had, a medical condition. They might treat you like a sick child or make you an outcast.

生死只是恐吓我们的概念而已,如果你能屏除这些概念,你将获得“无有恐惧”的礼物,只有没有了恐惧,真实的快乐才成为可能。Birth and death are just notions that scare us, and if you are able to remove the notions, you get the gift of nonfear, and only with nonfear can true happiness be possible.

我爱奢侈。奢侈并不意味着贵重与装饰华丽,奢侈就是屏除粗俗。粗俗是我们语言中最丑的一个词。我从事设计就是为了对抗粗俗。I love luxury. And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity. Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language. I stay in the game to fight it.