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重定向到下一个网页。Redirect to the next page.

这条链接需要重定向了。This one needs a redirect.

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将请求重定向到文件。Redirect requests to a file.

如果可能,请避免使用重定向。If possible, avoid redirects.

将请求重定向到程序。Redirect requests to a program.

以下是不利于搜索引擎的重定向示例。Below are examples of bad redirects.

将请求重定向到网络共享。Redirect requests to a network share.

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万圣节黑夜定向赛及派对!Halloween Night Orienteering and party !

他们向卫星定向发出无线电信号。They beamed the signal to the satellite.

光学转换可以让我们对光重新定向。TO lets us redirect light and re-route it.

服务器辅助的客户端重定向概述Overview of server-assisted client redirect

有各种不同的办法做301重定向。There are various ways to do 301 redirects.

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重定向打印任务到网络中的打印机。Send a print job to an internetwork printer.

指导眼睛从一个词到一个词的定向照明Spotlighting to guide eyes from word to word

您应当被重定向到登录屏幕。You should be redirected to the login screen.

然后选择一个兼容的定向。And I have to choose a compatible orientation.

脱氨反应本质上是立体定向的。The deamination is essentially stereospecific.

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这就是处理重定向的引擎。This is the engine that handles the redirects.

我打定向他提出一个他不可能屏绝的条件。Iam gonna make him a suggestion he canat refuse.

挂起状态适合于容器重定向。Pending state is good for container redirection.