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海风醉人。Sea wind intoxicate.

我的心岛也在海风中使劲摇移。My island sways in the wind.

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吹过来阵阵海风。The wind is blowing from the sea.

听着海风在那塔顶咆哮And heard the sea-wind scream upon the tower

海风吹拂嫩芽轻摇。And tender shoots flicker in the sea breeze.

我爱凝视此些等,山海风情,永不厌腻!How willing I am to gaze upon these forever!

我们能吹吹海风,还能踩在软软的沙子上。We can enjoy the sea breeze and the soft sand.

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燕鸥快乐地伴着海风飞来。Terns came flying joyfully with the ocean breeze.

塑料小桶和沙滩球在海风的吹拂下四处滚动。Plastic buckets and balls roll around in the breeze.

对啊。我们能吹吹海风,还能踩在软软的沙子上。Yeah. We can enjoy the sea breeze and the soft sand.

最近很想去海边吹海风。Recently, the sea breeze blowing like to go the beach.

我的同事,,And,Laura,,the,woman,that,I,was,with,想要一杯海风,是蔓越莓和伏特加酒调成的。Laura wanted a sea breeze, which is cranberry and vodka.

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这是一个清爽的早晨,阵阵海风拂过。A clear morning, with breezes all the way from the ocean.

这就意味着夜晚从海面吹向大陆的用来清除烟雾的海风强度的减弱。And that means weaker sea breezes to clear away the smog.

海风和海浪已将岸边的岩石侵蚀了。The wind and waves have weathered the rocks on the shore.

于是乎,我将先闻海风之哨、海鸥之喵。And first I'll hear the sea-wind, the mewing of the gulls.

田野吹来太平洋的海风低声吟唱。From the field, the sea breeze of the Pacific Ocean croons.

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在岛屿上,奢华酒店的数量可谓“屈指可数”,酒店的每一个房间都有一个“露天浴室”可以在洗澡的同事享受海风拂面的感觉。Only a handful of luxury villas are dotted across the island.

民居紧紧贴住山坡上,似乎是由海风的力量固定着的。The houses cling to the hillside as if hung there by the wind.

受海风和地貌影响形成了小气候。Microclimates are created by the effects of altitude and aspect.