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烟雾污染了空气。Smoke dirtied the air.

烟雾模糊了我们的视野。Smog obscures our view.

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烟雾会迷朦你的眼睛!Smoke gets in your eyes!

烟雾缭绕上升。The smoke wreathed upward.

烟雾缭绕的城市。The smoke wreathed upward.

烟雾几乎把我呛死。The fumes almost choked me.

风吹散了烟雾。The wind dispersed the smoke.

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抗烟雾抗静电保护。Anti-fog anti-static protection.

烟雾在地平线上弥漫。Smog hung all around the horizon.

适宜的烟囱烟雾排放解决方案Suitable Smokestack Smog Solution

在婴儿中,二手烟雾可导致猝死。In infants, it causes sudden death.

屋子里满是烟雾,很呛人。The room was full of choking smoke.

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烟雾和士兵们在其身后盘绕。Behind him swirl smoke and soldiers.

炉火、有毒的烟雾——想都别想!The fire, the toxic fumes—forget it!

烟雾飞腾,火着起来了。The smoke soared and the fire burnt.

我和覆盖在其皮肤的烟雾。And enshroud me in its skin of smoke.

鬼凤放出烟雾,准备偷袭。Feng ghost of smoke, ready to attack.

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烟雾从森林大火上喷起。Smoke puffed up from the forest fire.

整个房间布满了缕缕烟雾。The whole room was wisped with smoke.

打开货油舱烟雾警报。Switch on smoke alarms in cargo tanks.