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我识破了那个骗局。I saw through the fraud.

你很快就会识破他的诡计。You'll be onto his tricks soon.

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我最后识破了他的诡计。I finally wised up to his tricks.

他的谣言一下就被识破了。His story was seen through at once.

现在我渐渐识破了她的花招。I'm getting wist to her tricks now.

警察识破了他们的鬼把戏。The police has wised up their game.

那个间谍不知道我们已经把他识破了。The spy doesn't know we have him pegged.

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记住,孩子马上就能识破夸大其辞的赞扬。Children will soon see through empty praise.

魔鬼的鬼计一下子就被识破。The devil trick is seen all of a sudden through.

我识破你的小把戏了,把它交出来。You made a point, and I get it. Now give It back.

我已经识破了他的诡计,他再也骗不了我了。I've got wise to his tricks, he can't cheat me any more.

没有人识破他的伪装,但是他的口音暴露了自己。Nobody saw through his disguise,but his accent gave him away.

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所以当您将水箱中的鼠标不能识破。so when you place the mouse in the tank it cannot see through.

米开朗基罗这位大艺术家识破了布拉曼特的诡计,知道布拉曼特的目的何在。The great artist saw the trap. He knew what Bramante was up to.

许多假货可以乱真,商家无法一下子识破。Many fake the real thing, merchants can not see through at once.

贺老八识破了李剑的计谋,命令手下放火。Mr He eight see through the counsel of the keyboard, command set.

不过,小狗们是否真的识破了主人们的这种把戏呢?But do the dogs really know that their people are being duplicitous?

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有点讽刺的是,那些值得信赖的人往往更容易识破谎言。Creative people are more dishonest and daydreamers are better liars.

但是有时候,冉阿让仍识破了他。Nevertheless, it came to pass that Jean Valjean sometimes espied him.

研究显示,一般人识破谎言的本事不比碰运气强多少。Research shows the average person barely does any better than chance.