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这份酸楚是无法言表的。The sorrow and grief is unspeakable.

在醋和柠檬汁一样酸楚的生活中。In the vinegar and lemon juice of life.

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今天,那种酸楚与委屈好像又在重演。Today, the pain and grievances like again.

她感到一种从未有过的快乐和一种深切的酸楚。She felt an unheard-of joy, and a profound anguish.

在你成长的过程中到现在,最酸楚的时刻是什么时候呢?What was the most sour moment in your life up to now?

委屈,心理的酸楚,有谁可以诉说。Grievance , of psychology distressed, who can be recounted.

忿然的言语中带着酸楚的味道。His language of hatred and the way it was delivered left a sour taste.

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紫云的心情此时感到无比的温暖,甚至有一点酸楚。Ziyun, at that time, felt warmer than ever, even to an extent of sadness.

因为这只是一段回忆,美丽、清涩、酸楚。Because it is only a memory, a beautiful, clear astringent, sorrow and grief.

瞳孔透过琉璃球看阳光里,满是曾经的回忆和甜蜜酸楚。Pupil through the glass ball in the sun, full of memories and sweet and sour.

心地无限酸楚,过分的自由变成了分手的理由,本以愈合的伤口,血涔涔而流。Nature, free unlimited sour broke into the reason, to heal wounds, blood stained.

琐碎的一字一句都是痛在蔓延,酸楚沸腾,身心俱焚。Trivial every single word or phrase is a pain in the spread, sour boiling, herself.

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韩冰看着电脑上的婴儿图片,心中酸楚。Han Bing looked at the computer on the baby pictures, the hearts of sorrow and grief.

那些读者描述了一种“分道扬镳”和“独自生活”式的酸楚生活。The writers describe an arid life of "going separate ways" and "living separate lives."

酸楚,但没有眼泪。漠然的心像一口干涸的井,已经酝酿不出珍贵的眼泪。Sour, but without tears. Indifferent heart like a dry Wells, a precious has brewed tears.

但他们的好运道同样引起了许多邻居和亲戚的酸楚反应。But their luck also prompted a bitter response from many of their neighbours and relatives.

没有什么话可以把他那种悲切仁厚的酸楚口吻表达出来。Nothing can reproduce the sombre and kindly melancholy of tone which accompanied these words.

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咱们切不要吞饮仇恨酸楚的苦酒,来排除对于自由的饮渴。Let us not seek to satisfy our thellorst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

一对酸楚的内在爱人关系,就表明了内在男性和女性之间的问题。A sour inner beloved relationship denotes a problem within between the male and female attributes of self.

尽管如此,他还是被桑德海姆那时而甜蜜时而酸楚,融合和谐与不和谐的音乐深深折服。Still, he came to admire the sweet-and-sour mix of harmony and dissonance in Stephen Sondheim's intricate songs.