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一副爱情手铐。A love handcuffs.

没错,是手铐。Yes, that’s handcuffs.

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那个罪犯被戴上了脚镣手铐。The criminal was ironed.

小田就开始用该手铐去羞辱绫。Using them, Oda humiliates Ayane.

找出所有的烧烤架和手铐。Spot ALL the barbecue skewers AND cuffs.

他打开比利的手铐。He unbolted the shackles on Billy's hands.

我戴着手铐和脚镣在笼子里跳舞!I handcuffed and shackled in a cage to dance!

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他第三次挣脱了手铐。A third time he freed himself of his manacles.

我们戴着手铐尽可能地互相拥抱。We hugged as well as we could with the handcuffs.

Michael戴着手铐走进了医务室。Michael, in handcuffs, is walked into the infirmary.

从犯人的手腕上除去了手铐。The manacles were removed from the prisoner'swrists.

目击者表示,59岁的杜瓦利埃没有戴着手铐。Eyewitnesses say the 59-year-old wasn't in handcuffs.

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哈里胡迪尼也被从手铐逃跑而闻名。Harry Houdini also was famous for escaping from handcuffs.

它是手铐脚镣,阻止你去追求真正的幸福。It shackles our ability to think and pursue true happiness.

她在飞机上是带着手铐坐在那个美国执法官的旁边。She is shown on the plane sitting next to him in handcuffs.

男子用手铐和胶带来约束安全卫士。The men used handcuffs and tape to restrain security guards.

他反复地说“你一定得看看那些手铐,美国造的!”"You must see the handcuffs, made in USA!" he said repeatedly.

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手帕蒙眼睛,护目镜固定,铁床的边栏上挂着一副手铐。To the side rail of the metal bed I fastened a pair of handcuffs.

两个月以后,他拖着脚镣手铐来到了安道尔的一座监狱。Two months later, in shackles, he arrived at a prison in Andorra.

维奥拉知道她发现的罗的手铐钥匙可能是假的吗?Does viola know the key she had for Law's cuffs might not be real.