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他松开紧握的手。He unloosed his grip.

他松开了手。He unclenched his hands.

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请松开腰带。Please unbuckle your belt.

他的手也不曾松开过。This, too, he never relaxed.

我多么希望你能松开你的双拳。I wish U'd unclench Ur fists.

他把紧攥着我的胳臂的手松开。He unlocked his grip on my arm.

我现在可以松开安全带吗?。May I unfasten my seat belt now?

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现在可松开安全带。You may unfasten your seat belt.

我现在可以松开安全带吗?May I unfasten the seat belt now?

请帮忙把这盖子松开好吗?Would you please work this lid off?

他用板手松开了螺栓。He used a wrench to loosen the bolt.

她松开手,身子缩了回去。She clasped and unclasped her hands.

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现在可以松开您的安全带了。You may unfasten your seat belt now.

双手背可静静地正在身旁松开。Your arms can rest limply at your side.

凯德好姊姊,请你松开我的手吧。I prithee , sister Kate, untie my hands.

你一定要松开手,别再抓住绳子不放。You must release your grasp of the rope.

他松开了绑在她手臂上的带子。He loosed the straps that bound her arms.

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“我得走了。”瑞克松开了她。"I have to go, " said Rick releasing her.

他的双手反复地攥紧又松开。His hands continued to clench and unclench.

树熊松开我,浮到水面,离我的脸很近,毛公仔似的五官毫无表情。The koala let go and surfaced near my face.