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你的投资。Your investment.

投资类账户。Investment accounts.

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他说,“这算是哪门子的投资啊!Is this an investment?

它需要投资。It requires investment.

她们才是我的投资。They are my investments.

投资黄金有很多障碍。Hurdles to gold abounded.

在投资上别感情用事。Never invest on sentiment.

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他们试图夸大金币的投资价值来转手They're trying to oversell.

何谓投资贷款?What Is Investment Lending?

这是一个安全的投资。This is a secure investment.

我存钱,我投资。I save my money. I invest it.

首先是XLF投资的多元化。First, the XLF is diversified.

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我还进行天使投资。I also make angel investments.

我在投资方面是个棒槌。I am an amateur in investment.

我偶尔投资共同基金。I invest in them occasionally.

投资于资产演进。Investment in asset evolution.

选哪项投资或保险?Which investment or insurance?

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我想投资博时基金。I want to invest in Boshi Fund.

长线投资,呵呵。Long term investments, heh heh.

是股权投资的收益性。The yield of equity investment.