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他擅长作诗。He is good at verse.

我很擅长说西班牙语。I'm good at Spanish.

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同时他也很擅长文学。And he was very literary.

你擅长打棒球吗?Are you good at baseball?

他擅长算术。He is good at arithmetic.

数学是她最擅长的课目。Maths is her best subject.

我不擅长唱歌。我们一起唱好吗?Why don't you sing a song?

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他擅长艺术和音乐。He excels in art and music.

他擅长鉴别葡萄酒。He's good at judging wines.

我特别擅长说西班牙语。I'm really good at Spanish.

桑迪擅长于英语。Sandy does well in English.

他擅长烹饪鳐鱼。He is good at cooking skate.

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我能够推理,我擅长辩论。I could reason.Icould argue.

我擅长水墨丹青。I'm skilful in ink and wash.

她擅长管理家务。She is good at keeping house.

擅长体育运动。I was doing well in athletics.

王平擅长游泳。Wang Ping is good at swimming.

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你最擅长哪一种游法?Which stroke are you best at ?

我最擅长的就是蛙泳。I am good at the breast stroke.

她擅长舞台上的表情达意。She excels in stage projection.