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我要逆来顺受,忍气吞声强作欢笑。I'll grin and bear it.

或者你只是在逆来顺受的工作?Or do you just grin and bear it?

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许多人对自己当时如此逆来顺受感到羞愧。Many were ashamed of having gone so meekly.

为什么还要在暴力中逆来顺受?Why do people stay in relationships that are violent?

三水在会上遇见飘红,更与她逆来顺受。Sanshui at the meeting, the more and meet wave red she resigned.

一位女士说她讨厌那种很懦弱和逆来顺受的男人。One lady says she hates a man who is too weak and too submissive.

经过日本人的十几年统治,满洲人对一切已习惯于逆来顺受。A decade of Japanese rule had inured Macchurians to most anything.

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有时候你还需要逆来顺受,直到你找到另外一份工作为止。Sometimes you just need to grin and bear it until you have another gig.

有些人自认为可以对他人蛮横,而逆来顺受就会使你成为其目标。Some people get off on brutalizing others, and passivity makes you a target.

这些孩子会长成极端个性——十足的叛逆者或者逆来顺受的受气包。Such children grow up to be extreme personalities – a total rebel or a doormat.

另一项此类自然节目观众的优势在于他们逆来顺受。Another advantage of people as subjects in nature programmes is that they are biddable.

你是否突然舌头打结说不出话来,或者,被问到一个出乎意料的问题,变得逆来顺受?Whether you become tongue-tied or are thrown a curveball question, roll with the punches.

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她从小就养成逆来顺受,不敢怒不敢言的自卑内向性格。She was nurturance resignation, dare not anger can't words inferiority introverted natures.

我也很讨厌那些逆来顺受,随时准备着为女人做任何事的男人。It annoys me. I also hate men who are too submissive and are ready to do anything for women.

可怕的老板打破他的诺言谁无耻地付给我,我只好逆来顺受。The horrible boss break his promise who shamelessly underpay me and I had to roll with the punches.

无聊也源于恐惧,如果你是逆来顺受的,你会经常觉得无聊。Boredom also stems from fear. If you’re living like a sheep instead of a lion, you’ll often be bored.

在她的性格中主要的冲突在于她的逆来顺受和反叛精神之间不可调和的矛盾。Ultimately it might be said that the tension within her character is the one between obedience and rebellion.

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友善和人际关系的改善并不意味着逆来顺受,逢迎拍马。Being nice and improving your work relationships doesn't mean you're a doormat that other people walk all over.

逆来顺受的现世生活远不及从母亲那儿感受到的冥界生活来得更真切。For the life she followed here in the world was far less real than the world of death she inherited from her mother.

因为之前的竞争,狼群已经无力再战了,于是只好逆来顺受。Due to the previous battles, the wolves were too weak to fight, and had to resign themselves to obeying the lion's order.