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但这个交点说明了什么呢But what does it mean here?

这个交点非常有趣。This special point is an interesting one.

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在绿色与粉色线的交点处Where the green and the pink line intersect.

需求曲线和边际成本的交点叫什么The quantity where demand and marginal costs equal.

很显然在这个博弈里就是两条线的交点So clearly in this game, it's where the lines cross.

付出真心,多交点朋友吧!祝你天天开心!Pay sincere, Nodal many friends! I wish you a fun day!

没错,就是绿线和粉线的交点All right, where the green and the pink line intersect.

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行运北交点与上升点呈合相往往为人生带来新层面。This transit often brings about new dimensions in life.

选取两个图元在其交点处分割。Choose two entities to be split at their intersection point.

边际成本与需求曲线的交点处It's where the marginal cost and the demand curve intersects.

我们请了一位税务咨询师,以便我们少交点税。Our company employed a tax consultant so that we pay less tax.

蓝粉两线的交点叫什么What do we call the point where the pink and the blue line cross?

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我们请了一位税务咨询师,以便我们少交点税。Our company employed a tax consultant so that we can pay less tax.

例如,您可以转出切片或切片的任意交点。For example, you can roll out slices or any intersections of slices.

你船的位置距参照线交点400米。Your position distance 400metres from intersection of reference line.

桑代尔在亚洲的人望,反映出三种趋势的交点。Sandel’s popularity in Asia reflects the intersection of three trends.

就这样我们各自都背过了身,向着两个没有交点的方向走去。So we each back after a body, facing two no intersections occur directions.

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应该是在边际成本,与需求曲线的交点上That's where the marginal cost and the demand thing, demand lines intersect.

在每一个交点处都有一条是地面通道,一条是地下通道。Each intersection point would have to be made into an overpass and underpass.

画出三角线两条正交的切线段,它们的交点在那里?Construct two mutually orthogonal tangents of the deltoid. Where do they meet?