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我想订甲等舱的机票。多少钱?。I prefer first class. What the fare?

趁他朝别处看是,她溜进了甲等舱船面。While he looks away, she sneaks onto the first class deck.

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甲等男女属于富商以及专业人士。Jia men and women are rich businesspeople and professionals.

马三跪在地上求饶,他要戴罪立功杀了霍元甲等人。The horse three kneel on the ground, he daizuiligong to kill Huo Yuanjia et al.

因此,甲等女人就因为自己收入高而找不到伴侣。Thus, the poor Jia woman finds herself unable to find a mate by virtue of her high income.

捕食多种鳞翅目幼虫及其它农林害虫如蝗虫、金龟甲等。It can prey on many larvae and otherfarming and forestry pests such as locust , chafer etc.

安德森和肯达夫真正想看到的是甲等小组成员是如何浮现的。What Anderson and Kilduff really wanted to see was how the alpha group members would emerge.

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更喜欢甲等舱,但如不美观不能免费升仓、那我就坐邻通道或者紧迫出口的座位。First class preferably but if I can't get an upgrade then I go for aisle seat or emergency exit seat.

他声称受到科威特安全部队的严刑拷问,包括被拔甲等。He has claimed he was tortured by Kuwaiti security forces, including having his fingernails pulled out.

方法对珠三角地区4所二级甲等镇级医院155名护理人员进行科研开展情况的问卷调查。Methods A questionnaire was conducted among 155 nurses in 4 second class A level hospitals in Zhujiang Delta.

这时,楼下传来一片喧闹声,霍元甲等人起身看到竟然有人在光天化日之下抢人。At this time, heard a noise downstairs, Huo Yuanjia got up and see someone rob people in during peaceful times.

她父亲考虑要增加每个月给她的零用钱,如果她可以连续三个学期成绩都全得甲等。Her father is considering to increase her monthly allowance if she can get straight A's three semesters in a row.

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用来打理耗时较长的烫染项目,或是一些衍生效劳,比如美容美甲等。Time consuming to take care of the hot dyeing projects, or serve a number of derivatives, such as nail and other beauty.

河北区妇幼保健院于1998年1月被评为全市首家二级甲等妇幼保健院。MCH Hospital of Hebei District was chosen as the first "Grade B Class A" MCH hospital in Tianjin City in January of 1998.

已获得普通话二级甲等证书和教师资格认定心里学和教育学考试合格证书。Has received two A-level certificate and a Mandarin teacher qualification psychology and pedagogy examination certificate.

委员会通过了她的助教职位申请案,因为她连续三个学期都得到全甲等的成绩。The committee approved her application for a teaching assistant position because she got straight As three semesters in a row.

多为女性,除咽下困难外,尚可有小细胞低色素性贫血、舌炎、胃酸缺乏和反甲等表现。Female, in addition to dysphagia, the fair has a low pigment-small-cell anemia, glossitis , gastric acid deficiency and anti-level performance.

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还有一些更直接,干脆去学易经、风水、奇门遁甲等,将自己的命运寄予无法解释的神奇的力量。There are also more direct, just to learn I-Ching, Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia, will be our own destiny has placed the power of magic can not be explained.

葫芦具备体积小,自重轻,操作简略,施用方便等独特之处,用于工矿企业,库存码甲等场所。Gourd with small size, light weight, simple operation, easy-to-use features such as for industrial and mining enterprises, storage terminals and other places.

为了筛选应聘者,有些大公司已经要求最起码有大学课程的优等成绩及特种学科的甲级考试甲等成绩。In an attempt to filter out applicants, some large companies already demand at least a good honours degree and an A grade at A -level in their university subject.