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就像意式馄饨。It's like ravioli.

我想要来一碗馄饨。I'd like a bowl of wonton soup.

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来,我请你吃一碗馄饨。Come, I ask you to eat a wonton.

今天午餐我吃了馄饨面。I had wonton noodles for my lunch today.

产量下降,味噌,馄饨,热酸汤Egg drop, miso, wonton, or hot &sour soup

于是便端来一碗馄饨。Then, she brought on a bowl of hot wonton.

樟树包面类似馄饨,但要比馄饨小一号。The Camphor Dumpling is a smaller version of wonton.

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包了不少馄饨但还是剩陷儿了。I made a lot of wontons but still had some filling left.

菜肉馄饨,葱油饼,鹌鹑蛋。The vegetables meat wonton, scallion cake , coturnix egg.

我点了馄饨,猪肉炒米粉,鸡肉炒面。I had Wonton Soup, Pork Fried Rice, and Chicken Chow Mein.

宁波馄饨有两类,蒸馄饨和馄饨汤。Ningbo Wonton has two types, steamed Wonton and Wonton soup.

也可以做成小饺子或馄饨煮给他吃。Can also make small dumplings or wonton cooked for him to eat.

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我飞快地舀起一个馄饨,放进嘴里。I quickly scooped up another ravioli and popped it in my mouth.

馄饨一词被认为是原产地为日本乌冬面。The term wonton is believed to be the origin for Japanese udon.

早上吃过妈妈买来的馄饨后出发,去了中华门。After eating won-ton as breakfast, We went to the Zhonghua Gate.

那里干净而且味道很好,我比较喜欢馄饨,还有煎饺。There is clean and smell good, I prefer Fried dumplings, wonton.

我建议你来一份馄饨和一份春卷吧。I suggest you take a dumpling soup and a portion of spring rolls.

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如法国总统萨科齐爱吃炸馄饨。For instance, French president Nicolas Sarkozy loves fried wonton.

这天中午要吃馄饨,俗称“元宝汤”。This day noon to eat wonton, commonly known as "silver piece soup".

青菜肉沫馄饨,大骨头汤,香蕉。Wonton with minced pork and green vegetable, Pork bone soup, Banana.