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大户人家,大话人生…My family is my life!

村里住着一个大户人家。There lives a big family in a village.

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悍马让通用汽车看起来像是一家耗油大户。Hummer made GM seem like the gas-guzzler company.

李刚是金阳县青花椒种植大户。King County Gang green pepper cultivation is large.

Sieghart说这些清真寺是用水大户。Sieghart says the mosques are heavy users of water.

公司还是养猪大户及鸡苗种和鸡蛋生产基地。Companies or large pig and chicken fry and egg production base.

而他显然也是个花销的大户儿,虽然也不起作用。And he certainly was a big spender, yet that didn’t work either.

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亚洲以中国为典型,是出口商也是储蓄大户。Asia is an exporter and saver, of which the best example is China.

他这是第一次提到她走出来的那个大户人家。It was the first time he had mentioned the house from which she came.

但是如今的东园别墅,却难以再见大户人家的风范。However, nowadays the villa shows few signs of a family of distinction.

山东铝业公司是能源消耗大户,也是蒸汽耗用大户。SALCO is a big consumer of energy, and it is also a big steam consumer.

为了减少内存消耗,先要找出内存的消耗大户。To reduce memory usage, start by identifying the largest consumers of memory.

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甚至是美国队这个金牌大户,也只有22块,远远落后于中国的39块。Even the US, the leading gold winner in many a Games, has just 22 to China's 39.

过去,反垄断法禁止垄断大户收购其潜在竞争者。In the old days, antitrust laws kept monopolies from buying potential competitors.

土改轰轰烈烈开始了,裴家作为地主大户卷入到暴风骤雨之中。Land reform began with a bang, pei as the landlords and the big involved in the storm.

纺织印染行业是工业废水排放大户。The textile, printing and dyeing industry discharges majority of industrial wastewater.

忽然一名小孩牵了牵梁芯的衣袖,梁芯发现竟是大户人家的大倌。Suddenly a child holding the lead core sleeve, liang liang core found was a large house.

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中国百家纳税大户中,其中有35家是国有卷烟企业。Among China's hundred biggest taxpaying companies, 35 are state-run cigarette manufacturers.

出口制造商是主要的用工大户,在中国商务部有很大的话语权。Export manufacturers are major employers and have a strong voice in China's commerce ministry.

心脏手术是用血大户,血液保护非常重要。The cardiac operation needs a quantity of blood, and the blood conservation is very important.