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他策动了这次叛乱。He instigated the revolt.

我们需要一台岸上起重机把策动机运上岸去。We need a shore crane to shift the engine ashore.

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德科未能在他两名前锋后面充分跑动,策动比赛。Deco failed to stretch the play by running beyond his front two.

它们可以用来获得传输函数和策动点函数。They may be used to obtain transfer and driving-point functions.

部分水兵策动起义,却受到了军官的镇压。Partial bluejacket instigates uprise, got however of officer suppress.

我假期策动到屯子生活,那会让我忘却许多郁闷。My holidays plan arrive village life, that will let me forget many annoyance.

林大藉著海亮与海星对自己的信任,策动谋反。Linda through the sea for their bright with starfish trust, agitating the alani39.

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今天,历史学家将美西战争视为第一场由传媒策动的战争。Today, historians point to the Spanish-American War as the first press-driven war.

找垂问商榷商榷投资与远期策动是有便宜的,可以让的事更有条理。It would be to consult advisors on investments and and to put your affairs in order.

更小更高效的策动机带给我们更高的燃油经济性和更好的加速度。Smaller, more efficient engines are getting us more MPG and yet better acceleration.

他们常常策动对不同的政治基地,但他们的影响,相辅相成。They were often mobilised on different political bases, but they influenced one another.

他需要发出这篇冗长的攻击性演说,他需要写出这篇被政治意图策动的高谈阔论。He needs to voice this tirade, and he needs to write this politically motivated harangue.

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作为教会的高级的人物,他协助策动驱逐托尔斯泰出教。As a senior figure in the Church, Pobedonostsev helped to initiate Tolstoy’s excommunication.

塞浦路斯自希腊人1974年策动政变,而后土耳其侵入后一直陷于分裂。Cyprus has been divided since Turkey invaded the island in 1974 following a Greek-inspired coup.

如果摩萨德真的策动了这次爆炸,那它会标志着围绕伊朗核计划进行的暗战已经大幅升级。If true, the blast would mark a dramatic escalation in a shadow war over the Iranian nuclear programme.

下半场开始后僵局终于被打破。帕兹尼策动并且完成了这个进球。The deadlock was finally broken straight after the restart, as Pazzini both started and completed the move.

据路透社报道,该国反对党民主党拒绝承认选举结果,但否认策动暴力。The opposition Democratic Party rejected the election results but disavowed the violence, Reuters reported.

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根据算法编制了计算机程序,并用它求出了有源网络的策动点导纳函数。A computer program has been compiled, it is used to find the driving point admittance function of active network.

苏联策动“伊宁事变”,制造“东土耳其斯坦共和国”分裂政府。It also instigated Yining Incident and created the East Republic of Turkeystan in order to split Chinese government.

1974年,当时的塞浦路斯总统马卡里奥斯大主教被希腊军事政权策动的政变推翻。In 1974, the president of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios, was deposed in a coup orchestrated by the Greek military regime.