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我写作本文时间是六月。I write this in June.

本文共分两部分。In two parts, hereunder.

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本文经许可转载。Reprinted by permission.

本文是一项基于语料库的研究。It is a corpus-based study.

本文介绍的是中国古文字。This article is from Wikipedia.

本文将向您展示如何去做。This article will show you how.

本文主要说了什么内容?What is the text mainly aspell?

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最后是本文的致谢。Finally, thanks to this article.

本文禁止一切评论,谢谢合作!No comment on the words, thanks.

本文主文分为五章。The paper includes five chapters.

第三部分是本文的结束语。The third part is the peroration.

本文分为七章。This thesis contains seven parts.

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本文向您展示了如何做到这一点。This article shows how to do this.

本文由独立成篇的两则小文组成。This paper consists of two essays.

本文主要讨论什帽槭题?What does the text mainly discuss?

无论如何,可别读本文!Whatever You Do, Don. t Read This!

这也是本文撰著的宗旨所在。This is also why I make this paper.

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这一章在本文中起铺垫作用。The paper consists of five chapters.

本文分五章展开论述。This article provides five chapters.

本文同开为六章。This thesis is made of six chapters.