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其实类似“休息时间。it's like a time-out.

颜色是类似蓝色的那种。That color is blueish.

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甚至毛也持有类似的观点。Even Mao held similar view.

夏新,康佳等也类似。Amoi and Konka are the same.

他引用了一段类似寓言的东西He quotes a kind of a fable.

这有类似司法的性质。It has quasi-judicial nature.

这就像只虫子或者类似的东西。It's like a bug or something.

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安卓系统也有类似的功能。Android has a similar feature.

领导品牌也会犯类似的错误。Leaders make similar mistakes.

我以类似赠送的价格买到这个东西。I got this at a give-away price.

类似这样的事件是非常少有的。Something like this is very rare.

我找不到任何类似“奥曼”的地名。I find no place-name like "Orman."

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大老鼠和小老鼠是类似的动物。Rats and mice are similar animals.

对鱼进行了类似的研究。Similar research was done on fish.

配色是干净的,类似Scandi。The colorway was clean and Scandi.

现在类似的神权政体甚至很难改掉。Even now quasi-theocracy dies hard.

类似乡愁的语气。It had the ring of nostalgia to it.

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不过,众多类似错误并未被纠正。But many such wrongs aren't righted.

您认为有某种类似石蕊试纸的东西可以帮助判断吗?Do you see some sort of litmus test?

其用法类似自我识别项。It is used like the self-identifier.