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要往山上逃跑,免得你被剿灭。Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!

北约和阿富汗声称在昆都士剿灭130个塔利班成员。NATO, Afghans claim to kill 130 Taliban in Kunduz.

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假若那城里有五十个义人,你还剿灭那地方吗?What if there are fifty righteous people in the city?

与俄罗斯斡旋确立中亚边境以及剿灭蒙古人。Negotiations with Russia fix the Central Asian frontier, and doom the Mongols.

他只带了几个人来,而我们会派军队去剿灭他的。He has but a handful of men with him, and armies will be despatched against him.

他们征服了海洋,驯化或剿灭了所有危险的捕食动物。They eventually tamed the seas, domesticating or killing all the dangerous predators.

马哈茂德是过去一年中第16名被剿灭的重要IS领导人。Al-Isawi's death brought the number of significant ISIL leaders killed last year to 16.

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他们还帮助沿途的国家剿灭海盗,给这些国家带来安宁和福祉。They also brought those countries tranquility and wellbeing by helping them fight pirates.

带着你的妻子和你在这里的两个女儿出去,免得你因这城里的罪恶同被剿灭。Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished.

亚哈谢的母亲亚他利雅见她儿子死了,就起来剿灭王室。And when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the seed royal.

亚哈谢的母亲亚他利雅见她儿子死了,就起来剿灭王室。When Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she proceeded to destroy the whole royal family.

塔里克汗将军说,剿灭这个机构的激进分子会削弱其他部落地区的暴力活动。General Khan says that elimination of militants from this agency will discourage militancy in other tribal areas.

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亚伯拉罕的反应时一种惊奇,他反对,这个计划,他开始与上帝争论,“无论善恶,你都要剿灭吗?审判全地的主岂能不行公义么?“And Abraham's reaction comes as something of a surprise. He objects to the plan, and he starts to argue with God.

1987年,政府派兵前来苏丹南方剿灭黑人基督教徒,年仅13岁的约翰侥幸躲过杀身之祸,逃离家园。In 1987, at age 13, John fled his home in southern Sudan narrowly escaping troops sent to exterminate all black Christian males.

虽然曼达洛超级突击队被绝地武士剿灭,但詹戈·费特是少数仍然身披盔甲的幸存者之一。Though the Mandalorian supercommandos were wiped out by the Jedi Knights, Jango was one of the few left to still wear the armor.

那时,国民党一再谈“赤匪”已经剿灭或即将剿灭,已经讲了十年。For a decade, the Kuomingtang had been alternately reporting the extermination or the approaching extermination of the "Red bandits."

亚哈谢的母亲亚他利雅见她儿子死了,就起来剿灭犹大王室。When Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she proceeded to destroy the whole royal family of the house of Judah.

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更可身临其境感受到土匪的生活模式,想象出当时杨子荣等人活捉“座山雕”、剿灭匪窝的场景。More immersive feel the life of banditry , imagine Yang Zirong, who was captured, "Zuo Shandiao, " Gangs of Waterloo Jiaomie the scene.

据路透社报道,自从当局军对塔利班策动剿灭攻势以来,已有近10万居平易近逃离南瓦齐里斯坦。Up to 100000 civilians have fled Pakistan's South Waziristan because of a military offensive against Taliban militants, Reuters reported.

政府军一名发言人称,整个周末有7万2千名平民从那块狭小军事区域撤离,之后的最终战役剿灭了250名叛军。A military spokesman said 250 rebels had been killed in the final battle, after 72, 000 civilians fled the small war zone over the weekend.