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他这个月的出勤率令人满意。His attendance rate this month is desirable.

重新装弹能力对于出勤率而言是一个重要影响因素。Re-arming capacity is a significant factor in sortie generation rate.

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而学生得不到足够的睡眠,通常会伴随着较低的出勤率和较低的评分。Students who don’t get enough sleep have poorer attendance and lower grades.

培训资料的搜集,具体培训课程出勤率及反馈的统计等。Preparation of training materials. Responsible for attendance sheet and feedback.

赠款旨在提高入学率和出勤率,使孩子们留在学校上学。The grants are aimed at increasing enrollment, attendance, and keeping kids in class.

以学校出勤率为条件的现金转移支付在惠及这些群体方面往往很有效。Cash transfers conditioned on school attendance are often effective in reaching these groups.

额外的信贷,统计等价值观的T分数,和出勤率,可以用来计算等级。Extra credit, statistical values such as T-scores, and attendance can be used to compute grades.

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根据这些机身所被关注的问题,战斗机们已经在战争中按一个每天基本出勤率战斗了几十年了。As far as these airframes are concerned, they have been going to war on a daily basis for decades.

在新墨西哥州的一所学校,出勤率高的学生一年能有近300美元的收入。Students at one school in New Mexico can earn up to three hundred dollars a year for good attendance.

今年的课程,我想我将会把出勤率,按照占百分之五的学分计算And I put on the sheet this year--I think I'm going to try to count five percent for class participation.

今年的课程,我想我将会把出勤率,按照占百分之五的学分计算。And I put on the sheet this year--I think I'm going to try to count five percent for class participation.

她要求LJ每周向她报告,保持好成绩和出勤率。She demands that LJ check in with her on a weekly basis and maintain good grades and attendance at school.

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另外,学生出勤率也提高了。因为疲倦而去健康中心的人数也减少了。Class attendance improved, and there were fewer visits to the health center for fatigue-related complaints.

长海区的研究认为这种规定导致问题行为的降低和更高出勤率。Findings in Long Beach suggested that the policy resulted in fewer behavior problems and better attendance.

因为家长参加到了该项目中,所以儿童的出勤率和在校时间的确上升了。School attendance did rise for families participating in this program, and students stayed in school longer.

与其他装备相比,车辆在非作战时期有着更高的出勤率和更广泛的用途。Compared with other equipments, vehicles have extensive usage and play great roles in transport during peace times.

也许某位团队成员在外面拥有业务,或者在休假,因此限制了他的出勤率。Perhaps a team member has responsibilities outside of the team that limits their participation or has a vacation planned.

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伟博斯特发现,减少一周上课天数的积极结果是学生有更好的出勤率同时在学校有更好的表现。As a positive result of the shortened week, Webster found that students had better attendance and greater performance in school.

人们对于他们未来的健身出勤率太有自信了,致使他们做出这样一个选择。“People make a choice that suggests they’re too confident about their future attendance, ” says Ulrike Malmendier of UC Berkeley.

互动教学班级的学生的分数几乎是传统教学班级学生的两倍,试验的这个星期的出勤率也有所提高。Students in the interactive class scored nearly twice as high as those in the traditional class. Attendance also increased that week.