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图3.2.4范斯高的外围雨带的雷达回波图像。Fig. 3.2.4 Radar echoes of the outer rainbands of Francisco.

习性羞羞嗒嗒的霍加皮,深居于非洲中部的丛林雨带。Deep in the rainforests of Central Africa lives the shy okapi.

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同时也探讨了雨带类型的预报问题。The problem of rain-belt pattern forecasting was discussed, too.

相对多雨带与低层流场辐合线有很好的对应关系。The eastern rain-belts are closely related with low level flow convergence line.

香港将会在未来两天受到范斯高的外围雨带影响,间中有大雨。The outer rainbands of FRANCISCO will continue to affect Hong Kong in the next 2 days.

我国东部雨带的移动是造成这一现象的主要原因。The main cause of the phenomena is for the moving of the rain zone in the east of china.

这些结果将为预测夏季雨带类型提供有益的线索。These results would be useful for the long range forecasting of rainfall anomaly pattern.

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此次台风流场的非对称结构,直接影响了雨带分布的非对称性。The asymmetry structure of typhoon flow results in the asymmetry distribution of rainfall.

浣熊的外围雨带将于三天后为香港及邻近地区带来大雨。The outer rainbands of NEOGURI may bring heavy rain to Hong Kong and adjacent areas in 3 days.

此项研究完全是根据海洋环境里强降水雨带资料进行的。The work is presented entirely in the context of severe rainbands in a marine-type environment.

由于降水性质的不同,两次过程中雨带的形状和移动各有特点。Because of the different nature of precipitations, rain band shape of two process were different too.

长江中下游梅雨是我国夏季雨带活动的一个重要组成部分,梅雨量的丰枯直接与江淮地区旱涝灾害的形成和持续有关。The Meiyu over the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River is a important part of summer rainfall in China.

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利用主分量分析和K-均值聚类分析的方法,对我国东部夏季雨带进行客观的气候分类。Utilizing the principal component and K-mean cluster analysis, the summer rain belts in eastern China have been classified.

大量的卵坠落在母体下的土地上。有时它们也会被风和雨带到更远的地方。Vast numbers of them fall on the ground beneath the mother plants. Sometimes they are carried farther afield by water or by wind.

这个极致的季节差异在热带雨带的转变中也有反映,称为热带辐和带。This extreme seasonal difference is also reflected by the shifting tropical rain belt, the so-called Intertropical Convergence Zone.

中国官员称,举办过一雨带威胁,达到资本和淋仪式成功的火箭。Chinese officials claimed the rockets succeeded in holding off a rain belt that threatened to reach the capital and drench the ceremony.

莎莉嘉的雨带及由它引进的西南气流将于未来两天为香港带来狂风骤雨。Squally showers are expected tomorrow and on Sunday due to rainbands associated with SARIKA and the southwesterly airstream induced by the storm.

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热带环流强度指数的季节变化规律及其与前期环境场的相关关系,对夏季雨带位置的预报有一定的参考价值。The interseasonal variation of TCIX and the correlation with the ambient field of earlier stage are usefull for the forecast of summer rain belts.

初夏长江中下游雨带的开始日、结束日都有明显的年代际变化特征。The initial and final date of the rainband in middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River have the obvious characteristic in interannual change in summer.

在此流型控制下,我国主要雨带特征与西部型和东部型有着明显的不同。The distributive characteristic of the main rain belts in China under the control of this pattern is different from that of west pattern and east pattern.