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治家有方,办事快速。In a good house all is quickly ready.

她治家简直像个暴君。She rules her family like a real despot.

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他们在乔治家的晚会上尽情欢乐。They had a high old time at George's party.

治家格言在中国文化中有特殊的位置。They occupy a special place in Chinese culture.

一等太太,治家整洁,贤慧有德。The first-rate wife is virtuous and keeps a neat home.

她不但是一个做菜的能手,而且很会治家。She is a good housekeeper, not to speak of being a good cook.

英国杰出的军事家、治家威灵顿公爵生于都柏林。The Duke of Wellington, British soldier of distinction, statesman, was born at Dublin.

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总之,治国如治水、治国如治家、治国如治病。In a word, ruling a country is like harnessing the flood, running a family and curing a disease.

治家材料的降解性能往往决定着组织工程治疗的成败。Manage the household materials degrade performance often determines the success or failure of the treatment works organizations.

伟大的无产阶级革命家、治家、国政府总理周恩来在北京逝世,终年78岁。Zhou Enlai, great proletarian revolutionary and statesman, Premier of the Chinese government, passed away in Beijing at the age of78.

此前,最后一位获此殊荣的德国人是已故社会民主党主席、治家维利·兰特,他于1971年获得诺贝尔和平奖。The most recent German national to win the prestigious peace prize was Willy Brandt, the late Social Democratic Chancellor and politician, who won the award in1971.

王逢家族以孝治家的家风和良好的师学渊源对他的一生产生了重要影响。The great habit which lasted for a long time in Wang Feng's family, the teachers and a good Confucian traditions have an important impact on his career and literature.