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当然,并非所有投资者都是这副嘴脸。Not all investors are like that.

我们要把他们的丑恶嘴脸公布于众。We are gonna publish their ugly faces.

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科学已经迎头赶上,巫师的丑恶嘴脸终被曝光。The science has caught up and the shamans are exposed.

这是因为我们俄罗斯人看到西方的丑恶嘴脸。It's because we Russians saw the ugly face of the West.

这是历代弄臣的共同嘴脸。This is the history of the common features of Rigoletto.

他切实其实有一副严肃的嘴脸,但心田却是很富诙谐感。Indeed he has a solemn f_ design- but he is very humorous planned.

我记得那副在奥斯特利茨战场的自鸣得意的嘴脸。I remember his fatuous and limited face on the field of Austerlitz.

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他奉承雇主的那副卑屈的嘴脸令我恶心。His servile expression of praise for his employer was disgusting to me.

通过优化利用最新DirectX的图形性能-9嘴脸。Optimized graphics performance through using the latest DirectX-9 features.

即使个别的电文揭露出了某些口是心非的嘴脸,但总体而言却没什么好处。Even if individual cables reveal individual duplicity, the great mass do not.

不要借口你是住在越南南方的柬埔寨人来掩盖你柬奸的嘴脸。Do not make pretexts about Karmpuchea Krom in Order to hide you jaw of traitor.

不要给我那副嘴脸了。我昨天去烹饪课了。是的,我去了。Don't give me that poop face. I was in the cooking class. Yes, I heard me say it.

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今天我见了他那幅嘴脸,我真的怀疑,他的修为到底有多深。Today after I have seen his attitude, I actually wonder how well his practice is.

那猥琐的嘴脸,贪婪的看着被他手下压着得女子。That is trivial looks penurious of looking at be pressed by his under dictate woman.

最初设计的咧嘴猫嗤笑的形象,让人觉得仿佛肮脏的猫贩子的嘴脸。This original design for the Cheshire Cat makes that big grin look like a sleazy car salesman smile.

他曾是雅皮最好的代言人,但现在却撕下了温情的面具,露出凶恶的嘴脸。He was the best Yapi spokesman, but now torn off the warmth of the mask to reveal the face of ferocious.

望着儿子无耻的嘴脸,储汉君肉痛如绞,恨不克不及亲手弑之。He looked at his son shameless faces ChuHanJun, such as ground RouTong, not the hand regicide hate means.

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我还要祈祷所有伟大的菩萨们去唤醒全世界,让人们认清这个大骗子的真正嘴脸。I also pray the great Enlightened Ones will enlighten the world about the true nature of this great beguiler.

那副嘴脸突然逼到他的眼前,扭曲得面目全非。他对他龇牙咧嘴、眼露凶光。The face had suddenly thrust itself close, all distorted and showing the teeth, the eyes smouldering into him.

然而,过去一年左右的时间里,小额贷款的另一副嘴脸却让尤纳斯等人气恼不已。Yet for the past year or so, microfinance has had another public face, one that troubles people like Mr Yunus.