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妈妈说你在石油钻塔干活?Mom said you got a job on an oil rigger?

德拉赞一伙所乘坐的客货两用车停在了一处油田上,附近是一个石油钻塔。The Drazen van pulls up to a field with an oil rig.

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宾夕法尼亚的农场,一座座钻塔高耸,俯视着贮粮的圆仓。DRILL rigs tower over the silos on farms in Pennsylvania.

钻塔在抽油,输电线纵横交借,四通八达。Oil rigs pumped on it and power lines zigzagged all over it.

在石油钻塔,从一个未知的位置射来一发子弹。At the oil rig a shot rings out from an undisclosed location.

石油钻塔珊瑚礁可以给高达8吨的鱼群提供庇护以及食物。Oil-rig reefs may shelter and feed up to eight tonnes of fish.

切萨皮克动力团体估计将在明年末装配完数十个这样新型的钻塔。Chesapeake Energy predicts dozens more rigs by the end of next year.

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甲烷产生于动物的粪便、沼泽、水稻田以及油井和天然气钻塔。Methane comes from animal waste, swamps, rice paddy-fields, and oil and gas rigs.

最后提出了应当如何布置提升系统才会使钻塔处于最优承载状态。In the last, it is pointed out that how to use the A-frame in the field operation is best.

这时,康维才建议所有人朝五英里外的一处石油钻塔游去。Conway now suggested that the crew try to get to one of the oil rigs, about five miles away.

在阿曼的一个傍晚,电线杆和石油钻塔耸立在橘红色的天空下。Telephone poles and oil rigs stand silhouetted against an orange-tinted evening sky in Oman.

尽管照片显示受损的钻塔正在漏泄石油,但是浮油在照片上很明显。Although photographs show that the damaged rig was leaking oil, no oil slick is obvious in this image.

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镜头中的凯蒂-库里克和佩林边走边谈,远处是白雪覆盖的皑皑重山和参天石油钻塔。Couric took on-camera walks with Palin against a backdrop of snow-capped mountains and giant oil rigs.

以及空间设备和数以万计的其它产品,这些产品从石油钻塔设备到汽车。They help build space vehicles and millions of other products ranging from oil drilling rigs to automobiles.

深海钻塔已在事故发生前被定位。These boats are in approximately the same area that the Deepwater Horizon rig had been located before the accident

我们还将对钻塔爆炸沉没的情况进行全面调查,相关责任方必须承担起责任。And while there'll be time to fully investigate what happened on that rig and hold responsible parties accountable.

毫无疑问,上周墨西哥海湾深水地平线石油钻塔发生爆炸无疑是人类的灾难。The explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig last week in the Gulf of Mexico was without question a human tragedy.

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同时,由于石油过剩,美国的413个石油钻塔已被关闭,成千上万的人们失去了工作。Meanwhile, 413 oil rigs have been shut down in the United States because of an oil glut — with thousands of jobs lost.

路易斯安那西北部,被发现的巨量天然气使当地人暴富。图为钻塔中工作的钻井工人。Roughnecks on a rig in northwest Louisiana , where the discovery of a large natural gas field has made landowners rich.

卡特林说他们公司设计的发电系统工作方式与支撑浮油钻塔的高张力系泊系统相类似。Catlin said his company designed the system to work like the high-tension mooring systems that hold up floating oil rigs.