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在3s轨道里有两个节点。two. That's correct.

有一个sigma轨道。There is a sigma orbital.

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轮子在轨道上转动。The wheel plays in a track.

冥王星的轨道是椭圆形的。Pluto has an elliptic orbit.

这是原子轨道。So these are atomic orbitals.

一号轨道通往芝加哥。T track No. 1 is for Chicago.

谢谢,轨道站,再见了!Thank you, Orbital. Good-bye!

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一个以地球为中心的轨道是什么?。Q. What is a geocentric orbit?

门机轨道梁的设计。The design of crane rail beam.

我认为自己正在正确的轨道上.I think I'm on the right track.

现在让我们把这些轨道填满。So now let's fill the orbitals.

嗯,这就是2s轨道。Yup, so that's the 2 s orbital.

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在一个p轨道上我们有两个叶。I have two lobes in a p-orbital.

这是一个反键轨道。So it's an Anti-bonding orbital.

比如1s轨道,如果你愿意,k层。Here is 1s, if you like, k shell.

带我回到轨道上,马士汀。Take us into orbit Mr. Malmsteen.

表面无光泽的轨道被上色绿色。The Matte Track is colored green.

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这个是垂直的,Y轨道。This is the vertical direction y.

行星沿轨道运行。The planets roll on their courses.

你将在8号轨道找到你的列车。You'll find your train at track 8.