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没有人知道什么激活斑秃。No one knows what activates Alopecia Areata.

斑秃通常是一个临时的条件。Alopecia Areata is usually a temporary condition.

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适用于脱发。斑秃。普秃。头油大人群。Apply to hair loss. Bald spot. General bald. TouYou big crowd.

报告1例斑秃伴白癜风和盘状红斑狼疮。A case of alopecia areata associated with vitiligo and DLE is reported.

HCMV感染能否直接引起脱发,或是斑秃的触发因素?Whether HCMV infection direct induced alopecia or was the AA trigger factor?

一个斑秃家族史增加了一个发展的机会。A family history of Alopecia Areata increases one's chances of developing it.

目的探讨儿童斑秃发病的相关因素。Objective To investigate the related factors for alopecia areata in children.

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他们夸大自己的身高和薪水,隐藏自己的斑秃和背部赘肉。They exaggerate their height and salary. They hide their bald spots and back fat.

按摩相关穴位,对于治疗斑秃和牙痛均能达到理想的效果。It can reach the effect of preventing and curing the common diseases, so to recover.

这些结果提示斑秃发病与遗传,情神因素及免疫机能紊乱有关。These results suggested that AA was related to heredity, psychic trauma and immunity.

斑秃是一种自身免疫性疾病列为,虽然其原因是未知的。Alopecia Areata is classified as an autoimmune disease, although its cause is unknown.

斑秃患者头发中锌和铜低于正常人。The method was applied to determine trace copper and zinc in hair from patients with pelada.

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目的对145例斑秃患者发病情况分析及治疗效果评价。Objective To study the incidence and therapeutic efficacy of 145 patients with alopecia areata.

最常见的斑秃脱发涉及的一个或多个景点一轮的头皮上。The most common type of alopecia areata involves hair loss in one or more round spots on the scalp.

其他类型的脱发是斑秃,全秃,脱发。The other types of Alopecia are Alopecia Areata , Alopecia Totalis , and Alopecia Universalis . Universalis.

结论合谷刺法配合甲钴胺局部注射是治疗斑秃的一种有效方法。Conclusions Multi-direction needling plus local injection of Mecobalamin is an effective way to treat alopecia areata.

有学者提出,斑秃毛囊免疫赦免消失导致斑秃发生。A hypothesis is proposed that the immune privilege collapse of hair follicle results in the occurrence of alopecia areata.

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近年儿童斑秃的发病率逐年上升,然而其发病原因和机制至今尚不完全清楚。The incidence of AA in children is increasing year and year, while the etiology and the mechanism of the disease are not well known.

美容治疗时如涂沫精华素、精油等会增加疗效。治疗斑秃患者如在患处涂察生姜则疗效倍增。Application of essence or oil during beauty treatment may enhance performance. Scrub with ginger on alopecia spot may double the effect.

结论斑秃治疗仪治疗斑秃疗效优于对照组。Conclusion Alopecia areata therapeutic equipment will get better therapeutic efficacy than drug therapy in treatment of alopecia areata.