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年轻女人很害怕丑丑的乌拉。The young woman was afraid of poor, ugly Woola.

乌拉,和他们一起走,用你的生命守卫她们。Woola! Go with them and guard them with your life.

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乌拉普采是萨格勒布一家精神病院的所在地。Vrapce is where Zagreb's mental hospital is located.

乌拉坐在角落里看着我们俩。Woola sat in the corner and looked at the both of us.

身处乌拉山挺直山间的兴奋。The thrill of existing anywhere vertically above the Urals.

短短的几天乌拉就成了我的朋友和凶猛的保护人。In a few short days Woola was my friend and fierce protector.

黎巴嫩政府由逊尼派总理西尼乌拉为首。The government is led by a Sunni, Prime Minister Fuad Saniora.

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过了一会,乌拉看看我,掉头跟着她们也跑了。For a moment, Woola looked at me, then turned and ran after them.

接下来的几天我获得了乌拉的信任和友谊。For the next several days I gained the trust and friendship of Woola.

乌拉,一位处在紧要关头下的年轻瑞典妇女。Ulla, a young Swedish woman caught in the moment of crucial decision.

你一定别告诉别人,乌拉不仅是我的守卫也是我的朋友。You must tell no one, but Woola is not only my guard. He is my friend.

在耳朵的指引下,她拜见了内蒙古阿拉善音乐艺人阿拉腾乌拉。Her ears led her to musician Aalatengwula from Alashan in Inner Mongolia.

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乌拉斯特里卡指出,最好的招聘人员可能会希望你抽出更多的时间。The best recruiters might expect even more of your time, says Vlastelica.

以外标法计算乌拉地尔缓释胶囊的含量。The content of urapidil is calculated by external standardization method.

泰坦神,盖亚和乌拉诺斯之子,是太阳神赫利俄斯、月之神。Titan, the son of Gaea and Uranus and the fathter of Helios, Selene, Eos.

俄罗斯中西部城市,位于乌拉山麓东部。A city of west-central Russia in the eastern foothills of the Ural Mountains.

其实,阿拉腾乌拉的母亲本身就是蒙古长调民歌的高手。Aalatengwula's mother is herself an expert in Mongolian long-tone folk songs.

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她是乌拉诺斯与赫墨拉之女,后与阿多尼斯结婚。Aphrodite is the daughter of Ouranos and Hemera and accordingly married Adonis.

今年是挪威著名诗人乌拉夫·H·候格的百周年诞辰。This year is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Norwegian poet Olav H. Hauge.

当地牧民们都称这座山为‘陶高乌拉”意即锅盔山。Local herdsmen have all said the mountain as' Tao high- Ula , "meaning Guokui Hill."