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和政治相仿,所有的医疗都是和乡土相结合的。Like politics, all medicine is local.

人们的乡土观念受到威胁。People's sense of turf has been threatened.

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民间艺术,你离乡土有多远?。Folk Art, How Much Local Flavor Have You Left?

他宣称,一切政治家都是乡土的。In the end, he declared, all politics was local.

南宁市高校校园内较多地使用乡土树种,长势良好。There are many well-grown native flora on campus.

大众喜爱的乡土视听艺术。Second, Native audio-visual art welcomed by the masses.

这些都表明,熟人社会中的乡土逻辑发生了变异。These all show the earth-bound logic have been changed.

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尽管略带乡土,但俄语很是了得。In spite of a slight accent, his Russian is almost ideal.

如伤痕,乡土,新生代等等的现实主义美术。If scar, local, cainozoic era and so on realism fine arts.

虽浮想联翩,亦不失为楚乡土建筑实状的反映。It is also the real response of local architecture of Chu.

杰弗里·萨克斯,却是乡土派思想者的先驱。Jeffrey Sachs is a pioneer of the mud-hut school of thought.

摘要民间美术是乡土艺术,是一切美术的母体。Folk art, an agrestic art, is the mother of all types of art.

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高凯的乡土世界是厚重的、完整的。The world of GaoKai's native land is profound and integrated.

乡土建筑顾名思义就是各地的传统建筑。Local building itself is the traditional architecture throughout.

这种实利的乡土女性,太史公写得素朴可爱。This advantage of local women, Tai Shi public write lovely simple.

乡土田园的古典美已构成对都市现代美的遮蔽。Classical beauty of local idyll has covered modern beauty in urban.

葛饰区乡土天文馆是一所地方历史博物馆和天文馆。Katsushika City Museum is the museum of local history and astronomy.

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三是在城市绿化管理上的采用以乡土植物为主、外来种为辅的原则。The third is to mainly select local species for cities re-forestation.

这些都表明,熟人社会中的乡土逻辑发生了变异。All these above show that the earth-bound logic has already been changed.

论文从四个方面探讨葛水平小说的“乡土诗意”。Papers talk about from four aspects of Ge's novel "local poetic flavour."