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以上就是来自莫扎特的选段。So that's a piece of Mozart.

这里有一个小选段This is just one little passage.

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这是来自瓦格纳的选段。So here's an example from Wagner.

大家把其他的选段也都读了吧。Please do read all of the other selections as well.

翻遍手头所有资料,没有找到任何合适的选段。None of my resource books had any useful selections.

所有唱腔选段均依据录音记谱。All the selected rhyme schemes are notated according to recordings.

在靠近这张脸的地方通过扬声器播放一些音乐选段。Musical excerpts were played through speakers located near this face.

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他们的音乐混合了怀旧的素材和新专辑中的选段。Their music was a mix of old stuff and selections from the new album.

集成曲或集锦曲是指把一些歌曲选段或其他音乐片段放在一起不间断演奏。A collection of songs or other musical items performed as a continuous piece.

好好留意,选段的细节。You're going to pay really good attention to all the details of the pericope.

你们需要注意选段的细节,发掘其中蕴含的信息。You want to concentrate on the details of your pericope to try to find out what the message is.

介绍了水力旋流器在德兴铜矿泗洲选矿厂粗选段磨矿分级、精选段尾矿选硫等方面的应用现状。The paper present the application of water cyclone in milling grading and sulfur dressing of tailings.

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今天我们就来看其中的一个选段,讲述一次在2012年对一个宇宙农夫的访谈记录。Today we have an excerpt from the catalog that imagines an interview with a space farmer of the year 2012.

如果我听着有点像Billy,Phelps,那不好意思了,因为我真的挺激动的,来看麦克白的选段。I'm sorry if I sound a little bit like Billy Phelps, but I do get excited. He quotes the passage from Macbeth.

影迷们可以先在他们的旅游车里观看带环绕音响效果的影片选段,然后再进入令人目眩的阳光之中,看真实的外景地。Fans are shown Sensurround film clips of the scenes in their van and then pitched into the blinding sunshine to see the actual locations.

在乐谱中为另一声部作准备的选段,通常用较小的字体印刷,在演奏部分之内,作为在长时间休息后另一声部进入的信号。An extract from the music for another part printed, usually in smaller notes, within a performer's part as a signal to enter after a long rest.

好,咱们来继续听听穆索尔斯基,然后我们继续下去,到下一个选段,这里就有个问题了All right. Let's listen a little bit more to the Musorgsky and then we're going to go on, just a bit more to the next excerpt, and here's my question for you.

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孟罗说,这本160页的英语俚语词典包括词条、定义、选段、例句、有关词源的注释和新俚语的来源。The 160-page English-slanglish lexiconincludes terms, definitions, parts of speech, sample sentences and notes on the etymologyand origin of new slang, Munro said.

孟罗说,这本160页的英语俚语辞书搜罗词条、界说、选段、例句、有关词源的注释和新俚语的来历。The 160-page English-slanglish lexicon includes terms, definitions, parts of speech, sample sentences and notes on the etymology and origin of new slang, Munro said.

这还不包括无数其他艺术家的独唱唱片和音乐剧选段特别编曲版本,它们稀有的收藏价值逐年递增。These releases do not include countless other artists' solo albums and special compilations that also feature songs from the musical. Their rarity increases with age.