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中秋节快乐.happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

中秋节是什么时候?When is mid-autumn festival?

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中秋节快乐!!!A happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!!

中秋节是什么时候?When is the mid-autumn festival?

八月十五是中秋节。August the fifteenth is Mid-autumn day.

我们在中秋节吃月饼。We eat mooncakes at Mid-Autumn Festival.

你们是怎么过中秋节的?How do you celebrate mid-autumn festival?

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祝各位中秋节快乐!阖家欢乐!I wish you all a great mid-autumn festival.

你们是怎么过中秋节?How do you celebrate the mid-autumn festival?

女常潮说,就在中秋节吧。"On Mid-Autumn Day. " The female Transo said.

我爱秋季!这周是中秋节。I love fall! Mid-Autumn Festival is this week.

中秋节来临时正好在“秋分”前后。Mid-Autumn Day falls during the autumn equinox.

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假广告是充满了中秋节。Fake advertising are full of mid-night programs.

现在让我为大家讲述关于中秋节的故事。Now let me tell you the story of Mid-autumn Day.

而月亮正是中秋节庆祝的主题。And the moon is what this celebration is all about.

不要忘记在中秋节要吃月饼!Don't forget to eat mooncake in Mid-autumn festival!

四川打糍粑一般都是中秋节。Mid-Autumn Festival in Sichuan fight Ciba generally.

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有关中秋节的由来众说不一。About the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival is not a.

中秋节是团聚、和睦、美满和收获的日子。It is a day of unity, harmony, happiness and harvest.

为中秋节而装饰起来的一条主要的道路。The main road decked out for the Mid-Autumn festival.