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呵,幻想!Oh dreams!

远景还是幻想?Future or Fantasy?

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追忆往事的幻想。Of visionary hours.

一种幻想,我猜测。A fantasy, I suppose.

我热爱幻想工程。I loved Imagineering.

多么疯狂的幻想!What a crazy fantasy.

不要抱有幻想。And have no illusions.

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那仅是她的幻想。That's only her fancy.

让我在能幻想的时候尽情幻想吧。Let me fancy while I may.

你喜欢看幻想片吗?Do you like fantasy films?

这也许是另一个幻想。It may be another fantasy.

林昌杰没有这样的幻想。Lin has no such illusions.

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啊呀!你的幻想对象没了!Ouch! Your fantasy's gone.

我们须丢弃任何幻想。We must have no illusions.

一个时间梦里的幻想。A phantasy in time's dream.

你开始幻想西班牙队了?Still fancying the Spanish?

在这白夜里的幻想。In this white night fantasy.

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是“最终幻想”里的女孩。It's girl from final fantasy.

高贵事业非幻想可得。Do noble deeds not dream them.

我幻想有很多钱钱。I fancy having a lot of money.