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从此揭开了莱芜革命的新篇章。Since opened a new chapter in the Laiwu revolution.

2009年将开启全常德市中小学生英语,小学生数学,作文学习的新篇章!The year of 2009 will be a new chapter for your English study!

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我们将在新的世纪里不断谱写建设有中国特色的社会主义新篇章。We have written a new chapter in the annals of Sino-Thai friendship.

康菲的兼并在美国商业史上开辟了狂热的新篇章。The Conoco acquisition opened a wild new chapter in U.S. business history.

这种感觉就像是第一次约会,一段新篇章,预示着我们真正长大了。It was like a first date, a new phase, the start of being proper grown-ups.

什么时候才能结束这种踢皮球游戏,肩负起你人生新篇章的责任呢?When does the blaming end and taking responsibility for your own life start?

在国内开辟了多氢酸应用的新篇章,多氢酸在国内油田将拥有广阔的应用前景。The application of the new acid in China oil fields has a wonderful prospect.

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神州5号宇宙飞船的发射成功揭开了太空历史的新篇章。The successful launch of Shenzhou-V ushered in a new chapter in space history.

2016年,有30名学生从南京国际学校毕业并开启了他们人生中的新篇章。In 2016,30 students graduated from NIS and have entered a brand-new page of their life.

但是克林顿的此次出行被视为会开启美土关系的新篇章。But Clinton's visit is being viewed as starting a new chapter in U.S.-Turkish relations.

在十年战争之后,我们翻开了新篇章并不断向前,充满力量和满怀信心。After a decade of war, we’re turning the page and moving forward, with strength and confidence.

今天,我们正站在再造个人交通新篇章的开始。Today we are at the beginning of the next chapter of the reinvention of personal transportation.

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国务卿赖斯的利比亚之行标志着美利双边关系的新篇章。And Secretary Rice's trip signifies a new chapter in U.S.-Libya bilateral relations," Perino said.

2008年,我们在香港联交所主板上市,翻开了宏华梦想的新篇章。In 2008, we were listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange, ushering in a new chapter of our development.

翟隽特使转达胡锦涛主席对伊素福的亲切问候和良好祝愿,对尼日尔顺利结束过渡期,组成新一届政府,开启国家建设新篇章表示祝贺。During the meeting, Zhai conveyed President Hu Jintao's cordial greetings and good wishes to Bozize.

1992年中韩建交,开启了两国关系发展新篇章。The establishment of China-South Korea diplomatic ties in 1992 opened a new page of bilateral relations.

1970年中加建交掀开了两国关系发展的新篇章。The establishment of China-Canada diplomatic ties in 1970 opened a new chapter in our bilateral relations.

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继往开来,湖北昂扬振作,正以奋发有为的精神状态,抒写着历史的新篇章。Inheriting the past and opening a way for future, Hubei is writing a new chapter of history in high spirits.

1972年,中日实现邦交正常化,揭开了两国关系新篇章。China and Japan achieved normalization of diplomatic relations in 1972, opening a new chapter of bilateral ties.

不管有什么希望和预期,川普领导下的美国将掀开美俄关系的新篇章。Regardless of hopes and expectations, a U. S. led by Donald Trump begins a new chapter in relations with Russia.