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这位政客的演说满是高谈阔论。The politician's speech was full of high-sounding words.

为什么我们不能跟一群人讲话,却可以单独同朋友高谈阔论?Why are we unable to talk to a crowd as we talk to a single friend?

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然而这位高谈阔论的公司总裁是在哪儿度假?Andswheresis this loudmouthed corporate executive taking his holiday?

从他到的那一刻起,他们就不喜欢这位爱高谈阔论的天才。From the moment he arrived, they took against this talented loudmouth.

不要被经济学家和内阁大臣们的高谈阔论所吓倒。Don't be scared of high- flown language ofeconomists and Cabinet Ministers.

如此多的公司都高谈阔论着增加商品价值的花言巧语。So much for corporate rhetoric about adding value to commoditized products.

如果你听到政要领袖在高谈阔论经济事务时,快找地方躲起来吧。Take cover when you hear a political leader talking about economic affairs.

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我们对自己的双重性格高谈阔论,对扬长避短却无所作为。We talk of our dual personality, and do nothing to cultivate the better part.

不要被经济学家和内阁大臣们的高谈阔论所吓倒。Don't be scared of the high-flown language of economists and cabinet ministers.

同样的担心也使得中国领导人不愿意高谈阔论中国模式。The same fear makes Chinese leaders reluctant to wax lyrical about a China model.

我们持守宗教的虚华辞藻和重生的高谈阔论,却无所作为。We've held onto our religious rhetoric and our revival talk but we've become so passive.

他需要发出这篇冗长的攻击性演说,他需要写出这篇被政治意图策动的高谈阔论。He needs to voice this tirade, and he needs to write this politically motivated harangue.

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那是星期五的早上,当我们的飞机从纽约起飞时,我们这帮人还高谈阔论、劲头十足。When our plane left New York that Friday morning, we were a talkative, high-energy group.

哈里曼那天的情绪极高,高谈阔论,把所有的客人,特别是席上的主宾都压倒了。Harriman , in the highest of spirits, talked everyone down, especially the guest of honor.

如果迈克午饭时真要不停地高谈阔论,我就不想坐在他那桌子上了。I have no wish to sit on michael's table if he's just going to hold forth all throughout lunch.

我不再高谈阔论了――这是我主的意旨.从那时起我轻声细语.我心里的话要用歌曲低唱出来.Henceforth I deal in whispers. The speech of my heart will be carried on in murmurings of a song.

我们经常去海德公园,那里演讲者会对着路过的人群就不同的主题高谈阔论。We went fairly often to Hyde Park, where speakers harangued the passing crowds on diverse themes.

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这类人喝每口酒都很快,这样他们不会在火伴侣的高谈阔论中错过什么。They take short swigs from bottled drinks so they don't miss out onchipping in with the conversation.

那些没有当过领导却发表高谈阔论的“拉拉队领袖”,我很快就忘记了。The "cheerleaders" who gave pep talks without establishing their position as a leader I quickly forget.

餐后更可到室外休閒地与三五知己边抽着水烟边高谈阔论。It was reasonably priced and you could even move outdoors after the meal and enjoy a hookah with friends.