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她从来没有这么鬼迷心窍过。She had never been so crushed.

你一定是疯了,要不就是中了邪,鬼迷心窍。You must either be mad or utterly depraved and wicked.

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她准是鬼迷心窍,竟然打自己的妈妈。She must have been possessed, to attack her own mother.

很快的,你就会开始像所有毒瘾者一样鬼迷心窍的渴望得到那种感觉。Soon, you start craving that attention with the hungry obsession of any junky.

有时候我们表现不好,我们归咎于魔鬼。我们就说,我是鬼迷心窍。And sometimes when we behave badly, we blame the devil. We say the devil made me do it.

赛程过半,最好的展出影片是一位在美国工作的伊朗人所带来的有关鬼迷心窍的低成本故事。Halfway, the best in show is a low-budget tale of obsession by an Iranian working in the US.

他简直权欲熏心、鬼迷心窍了,居然做出这样的事来。He was really overcome by a lust for power, to do such a thing against morality and justice.

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最近许多女孩都鬼迷心窍似的一心只想嫁个外国人。Nowadays, many girls seem to have a bee in their bonnets and they are determined to marry foreigners.

恰如后来比尔说的那样,那阵子简直是“一时鬼迷心窍”。不过,我们直到后来才明白了这个意思。As Bill said later, we have been possessed at that time, however, we understand the meaning until then.

女人到底想找一个实实在在过日子的醇厚男人,还是想要一个令你神魂颠倒鬼迷心窍的毒药男人?What kind of man are women looking for? a down-to-earth family man or nice romantic sexy and poisonous man?

西方商业文化作出的一条普遍批评是这种行为是短视的,这项交易所带来的激动弄得人们鬼迷心窍,同时还繁衍出了背信弃义。A common criticism of Western business culture is that it is short-sighted, obsessed with the thrill of the deal and breeds disloyalty.

但那没有能阻止斯塔尔在阿肯色州的副手希克曼·尤因,因为想追查到我们的任何错处,他和斯塔尔一样鬼迷心窍,而且几乎不会掩饰。That didn’t stop Hickman Ewing, Starr’s deputy in Arkansas, who was just as obsessed as Starr with going after us and not nearly as good at disguising it.

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不要鬼迷心窍,“不要因为系统停止工作5分钟就去重新培训你的整个开发团队”,Squirrel说道,“相反,你应该根据问题定义出相关的任务”。Don’t get carried away and “retrain your development team because of five minutes of downtime”, said Squirrel, “but define tasks proportionate to the problem”.

建筑师艾伯特·斯皮尔认为,那时的建筑师“完全对重起炉灶的想法鬼迷心窍,不过,这种念头在纳粹彻底失败后也是可以理解的”。Architects, "were fascinated by the idea of a completely fresh start. And that's entirely understandable after the debacle of Nazism, " architect Albert Speer says.