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这就是那座神龛的结局,他自身都难保,如何守护人?So that was the end of the shrine.

他进了屋,在神龛前念了经文。He entered and recited a sutra before the family shrine.

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他将这句誓言放在神龛内阿真的牌位旁。He put the promise in the shrine beside the tablet of O-Tei.

它应该是保存字词基本意义的神龛。It is supposed to enshrine the words that actually mean things.

他们是藏在神龛后面的神秘圣人。They are the mysterious divinities hidden behind the tabernacle.

墙凹里的某位被人遗忘之神的古代神龛。The ancient shrine to some long-forgotten deity, recessed into the wall.

它是一座由花岗岩建成的圣殿,在其主要的神龛里供奉着观音像。It is a granite sanctuary. In the main chamber a Buddha statue is seated.

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狭窄的巷道中是市场、咖啡店,还有100多个神龛。Among the tiny alleyways are markets, coffee shops and more than a 100 shrines.

有一晚我到一个庙里,在庙前有一种可以行驶的神龛。One night I visit a temple. In front of it there is a movable shrine on wheels.

孩子们的神龛填满了迪斯尼人物,可口可乐,玩具和诗歌。The kids' shrines are filled with Disney characters, coke bottles, toys and poems.

主战派曾经安排允许朝觐者在八月十五日进入到神龛内。The warring sides used to make arrangements to allow pilgrims to visit on 15 August.

你甚至可以制作一个神龛或者祭坛,这样当你冥想的时候就可以面对它们而坐。You can even make a shrine or an altar that you can face when you sit in meditation.

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在那供奉有十九位朝鲜王朝君主和30位王妃的灵位,分别安置在十九个神龛里。There are 19 memorial tablets of kings and 30 of their queens, placed in 19 chambers.

最里面的神龛处有个僧侣在唱诵,听到发音纯正的梵语感觉很好。A priest in the innermost shrine was chanting and it was nice to hear well-pronounced Sanskrit.

纳杰夫,被谋杀的四世伊斯兰阿里发艾利的神龛,是什叶派穆斯林的圣地。The shrine of Ali, the assassinated fourth caliph of Islam, is a holy place for Shi'ites in Najaf.

一面墙上贴满狄卡皮欧和凯特温丝蕾的照片,还妆点著闪烁的红色灯光,有如神龛。There's a wall of DiCaprio and Kate Winslet photos adorned with red twinkling lights as if it's a shrine.

人们在坟墓上建造神龛并在那里摆上供品,这样亡灵就能享用实物的灵魂。They build shrines on the tombs and plce the trets there so the dead can consume the spirit of the foods.

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新中国建立以来,平峰村民居神龛经历了三次大的变迁。Since the establishment of New China, Pingfeng village residential shrine experienced three major changes.

塔,宝塔一种远东的宗教建筑,尤指一种多层的佛塔,作为纪念塔或神龛而建立。A religious building of the Far East, especially a many-storied Buddhist tower, erected as a memorial or shrine.

大人们的神龛里同样也会放一些他们生前喜欢的东西,比如小的酒瓶,或者一盒烟。Adults, too, have shrines filled with the things they loved — often tiny liquor bottles, or a pack of cigarettes.