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他是个老谋深算的老狐狸。He is a wily old fox.

有个刺杀领导人的老谋深算的密谋。There was a deep plot to assassinate the leader.

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淬毒剑正是为那些老谋深算的战士们准备的!For the wily warrior there is the Envenomed Sword!

那些精明的行为让你觉得他是个老谋深算的剥削者。This precise behavior, makes you think he is exploitative and conniving.

老谋深算的马尔扎人早在1982年加入了国际货币基金组织。The wily Magyars had joined the International Monetary Fund as early as 1982.

我们都知道他这个人是个老油条,老谋深算。可是那个爱他的女孩却不相信!We all know that he a wily old bird, but that gril who love him did not believe that.

献上不朽的食物和饮料的神原来是老谋深算的大毒蛇——宁吉兹济达。The god who offered the food and drink of immortality was the wily serpent-god Ningishzida.

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凯西安的这个老谋深算有其字源,但是我不认为此字听起来有何煽动之意。There is an etymology of logismoi in Cassian, but I don't know if it's sound co-agitationes.

又过了几天,这个老谋深算的退休老人再一次出现在他们正在沿路击打着垃圾桶的时候。A few days later, the wily retiree approached them again as they drummed their way down the street.

而在他履历丰富的职业生涯中又有新亮点,这个年届78的老谋深算的投资专家不久还将成为一个卡通明星。In a new turn for his veteran career, the wily 78-year-old investor will shortly add cartoon star to that list.

“他们想要人们以为他们老谋深算、恐怖吓人、势焰熏天,但其实远未有这样,”他强调说。"They are nowhere near as sophisticated and scary and large as they would like people to think they are," he says.

但是川野坚更为老谋深算,他教导女儿要根据时势制定对策。But sichuan wild nut is more sophisticated, he taught his daughter according to The Times to develop countermeasures.

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他们应该看起来像孩子。不需要让他们在孩童阶段像大人一样。老谋深算。发展孩子们的纯真。They should be like children. No need to make them adults in childhood. Adults manipulate. Develop the child's innocence.

在和盎格鲁血统的美国人争论时,那些老谋深算的奢华贵族们就常常打出“生活质量”的招牌来美化本国缓慢的经济增长速度。In debates with Anglo-American capitalists, wily bons vivants have tended to cite the idea of "quality of life" to excuse slower economic growth.

营销人员个个老谋深算,有足够的市场研究已证明,有迷人模特的广告可激发起顾客的购买欲望。Marketers are savvy enough, and enough market research has proven that, consumers are motivated to buy by advertisements featuring attractive models.

几次见面之后,纳兰德心中完全消除了有关室利罗摩克里希纳是偏执狂和老谋深算的催眠士的疑惑。A few more meetings completely removed from Narendra's mind the last traces of the notion that Sri Ramakrishna might be a monomaniac or wily hypnotist.

不过,迈格尼塔是在CDO市场较为隐密的部分运作,而推动楼市繁荣的力量,远不止是一家老谋深算的芝加哥对冲基金。Magnetar, however, was operating in an arcane part of the CDO market and the forces driving the housing boom were far bigger than a wily Chicago hedge fund.

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现在可以肯定的是,老谋深算的莱利在休赛期补强阵容的决心并没有死,他甚至已经将自己的长远计划,延伸到了2010年。Now be sure, the wily Riley in the off-season lineup reinforced the determination and did not die, he even has its own long-term plans to extend to the year 2010.

其第二个外交部长任期即将划下句点,而这位老谋深算又温文尔雅的巴西外交家可谓竭尽自己所能,一手将巴西打造为现今的世界级强国。The wily and urbane Brazilian diplomat, finishing off his second term as foreign minister, has done his utmost to make his country an international powerhouse -- right now.

道路修建承包商的游说者在州参议院的代表是诺克斯.纳尔逊,他是一位老谋深算的议员,本人就是一个道路承包商,他希望得到修建道路的资金,但是并不真正关心如何筹集这笔资金。The highway lobby was represented in the Senate by Knox Nelson, a wily legislator and road contractor himself, who wanted the money but didn’t really care how it was raised.